The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 28

Chapter 28: The Lockwood National Park

“Mister Thompson, this is for you,” a young bald girl walked up to Erick, Evan’s father, and gave him a teddy bear.

Another young boy, wearing a cannula, breathed deeply as he handed a single flower to Clara Thompson. He said, “For


“This is Lily. She has leukemia. She is

waiting for a bone marrow donor,” Evan whispered to his parents. “And the boy is

Scott. He has damaged lung cells. He easily gets sick and is a common visitor at the hospital.”

One by one, kids at the Lockwood

Children’s Hospital gave their thanks to

Erick and Clara Thompson. The decision

to purchase the Lockwood National Park meant saving the hospital, the very last scenic view in town, and possibly saving their lives.

Some children could not get out of bed. They were attached to the machines that kept them alive. Erick and Clara could

only watch as the children lay on their


When they made it to an entertainment

room, they saw older children, some wearing masks, playing in their hospital gowns. They were admitted because of different illnesses but only had one goal: to live longer.

“Children, say hello to Mister and Misses Thompson,” one of the hospital

administrators said. Her name was Mina.

She guided Evan, his parents, and his

friends through the hospital.

“Mister Thompson! Misses Thompson,

thank you for saving the park!”

“It’s nice to meet you!”

Some children gave a piece of their belongings as a token of appreciation.

The parents who were around also gave

their gratitude to Erick and Clara.

Behind Evan, his friends, whom he had

invited, gave their approving nods. Sean, Wendell, and Keith had been walking

with them.

After the playroom, Mina guided them to a resting lounge near her office. Pointing

to the sofa seats and said, “Please take a


Refreshments were provided as they

settled on the sofas. It was from there

that Mina stood in front of the guests,

saying, “Mister Thompson, I cannot

thank you enough for helping our hospital – ”

Erick raised his hand and said, “This was… my son’s idea the whole time. He is now the CEO of my company. I have transferred all rights and assets to him. Besides, I don’t have any other heir.”

but knowing their prior agreement, she said to


the bid two years

CEO of his company two years back. Back then, he threatened Evan to pull out from the bidding of the Lockwood

away to think. Then he smiled at Mina,


huge glass windows that faced the park. The hospital

National Park. 1

in funds that the governor had decided to sell the

land, and that was the

announcement made

locals questioned the government’s decision.

were against

readily offered

were for

pointed to the park and said, “The children here at

to the park. The government had allocated a


growing several feet high and lush, birds nesting in the trees, and squirrels running around.” Mina gasped. “The peace and serenity are what some of these kids


me sane. It’s true for many locals out here,” Mina added. ” While many

to keep the park

it.” 1

-“Mina wept instantly. “So,

thankful we are

park, and

Evan won the bid.”

controversial that it took over two years to be fully approved. There were two

it had to be approved by many

me because of

here in Lockwood. I won the

just because of the 50 million dollar promise, but because the


glad you won the bid,

Clara softly said.

Evan,” Wendell said. ” I’m proud of being

refreshments, Clara broke down in tears. The children moved

away, she said, “Son, even if you fail in this investment, I will be proud of you.

is a big risk, Evan, but let’s hope you

about your plans.”

park was previously a public property that

impose entrance fees and build stalls

lodges at the end

up for daily rent,” he added. “Aside from

more. Much could be done while keeping the park’s


to Wendell, Sean, and Keith, saying, “My friends



already intended to sell the hospital to the other bidders. If I did not win the bid, this hospital would

Evan revealed. “I’ll make this

will have flexible



continued to

park’s potential, Erick walked to

at the park. It was

moment, but suddenly

Erick turned to the right and pointed to a building not so far.


save it, and during weekends, I sometimes. volunteer here at the hospital,”


This one


I threatened to cancel the bid



Wasn’t it enough that no establishment would hire

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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