The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 25

Chapter 25: One Day

“Oh, my goodness! Not again!” Mrs. Shaw exclaimed, seeing Evan being guided by Wendell into the villa’s entrance at four in the morning.

She tried to aid Wendell, but Wendell

said, “It’s okay, Mrs. Shaw, I can

manage. Please help me open the door to

his room.”

More than a week had passed since Evan

learned that Shantelle had left the city.

After confronting his parents, he locked

himself inside his room. Evan did not

bother to eat until lunch the next day. He spoke to no one, not his parents, friends,

or the villa’s caretakers.

Evan only returned to work after three days of isolating himself.

In the succeeding days, he spent it at the

office, working until midnight.

Occasionally, he went to the club with his

friends Wendell and Sean. Wendell often

drove Evan home since he was usually


Tonight was no exception. Wendell rang

the villa’s gates, delivering Evan in a

drunken state.

Same as the last that he was intoxicated,

Evan was talking like Shantelle had never


“Mrs. Shaw, where is the Misses? Tell her

to make my favorite dish.”

“Why is she not home yet? It’s already late. Mrs. Shaw, call the Scotts and have Howard pick up Shanty.”

“Wendell, call Shanty.”

“Yes, Evan. I will. Take a nap first, okay, buddy!” Wendell could only ride on

Evan’s gibberish, knowing he was not

himself. Generally, the next day, Evan would be back to being silent.

Wendell carefully laid Evan on the bed. He turned to Mrs. Shaw and said, “He is fine, Mrs. Shaw.”

“Oh, my goodness,” Mrs. Shaw asked. ” How long will he be like this?” 1

“I don’t know, Mrs. Shaw, but it’s

different with Evan because he knows he


his friend,

will tell.”


Thompson?” In

on Evan’s room

It was already past nine, and his assistant had

landline since seven.

Mrs. Shaw to enter

without permission,

time, she was


Mister Thompson?”

again while


was no one on the bed. “Sir Thompson?

called about


was no answer.

but there was

she opened the bathroom, no

is Mister Thompson?”

confident the man had

in the

capable of walking


the house.

about to

a thud

frowned and

investigate it.

the lights to the enormous

side of

like a ball on the part

expression. Instantly, Mrs. Shaw fell to her


you had realized how you loved her then, this would not have happened to both of you,” she said, stuttering

opportunities lost.”

words that Mrs. Shaw said

understood her words. Indeed, there were so many

married for two years, and

their divorce, Evan

felt empty but

silently reflected, ‘Did I love

these past few days if it were not the case. He had

admitted it was love.

it. The pang in his chest was unbearable. He thought, ‘So this is pain… the pain of loving someone. I loved Shanty. Why didn’t I see it before? Was it because she was always there that

those feelings for granted?’

loved her… I loved


a minute, she listened to

of him. He shut his eyes,

Evan massaged his

headache. He tapped on Mrs. Shaw’s

some chicken soup

studied the white gown he

had hung the

a few days back. Then he looked

Shantelle’s other clothes.

still wiping

She was



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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