The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 26

Chapter 26: The Playboy’s Backstory

[Sometimes, when things don’t work out the way you planned, something better is coming. It may be difficult to believe where you stand; often, redirection is a helpful intervention. This is a gift, and I know it. Love and kisses to my girl, Shanty! I’ll see you in a week.]

Shantelle smiled, reading Karise’s post on her profile. Soon, her other friends left


[I don’t care if I am broke. I’ll see my girl, too] Felice said.

Below, Felice, her other friend, Celest, remarked. [I am far more broke, but Karise will pay for my ticket. I love you @ Karise! See you soon, beautiful Shanty!]

It made Shantelle smile altogether.

Shantelle was leaning against the wall

outside the classroom of her last subject

of the day, going through her friend’s plans of flying out to Warlington.

She sucked in a breath, and after putting

her phone back inside her bag, she caressed her growing belly.

Two weeks ago, during her birthday, she had told her parents about the pregnancy. It broke their heart because plans were changing now with a new life taken into the equation. However, like the loving parents they were, they accepted the circumstance. Her father began making phone calls, assessing how she could get through medical school faster despite

falling pregnant.

Shantelle walked out of the school,

confident. She knew she could overcome

her endeavors with her friends’ and

family’s support. One day, she will

become one of the best thoracic


One day.

Arriving outside the gates, she was

stunned to see Keith Henderson. She

looked around and realized the driver her

father had hired was nowhere to be seen.

“I told your father I would send you home. I am leaving Warlington and don’t know when I’ll be back. I thought I’d say goodbye,” he said. “Not forever, though.”

Then he gave that sexy smirk that made

Shantelle shake her head.


“I’m keeping the baby,” Shantelle revealed as they sat in the bench park.

stop at where it

He had bought her camomile tea from the coffee shop


and his shoulders lifted and fell for a second. He replied, “It’s the right thing. I hoped that you had pursued

thought I spend more

town. So all that plan of taking medicine went down

following Evan around, secretly checking his phone, going to his office, and making excuses like bringing him lunch – among other things.” She chuckled and revealed, “I even went to one of Evan’s client meetings at

restaurant, thinking he was

“He lost that client because of me, and

started arguing, really,


love, all of which lead me to this day. Can

She said. 1

wasn’t meant to

but an


what you

you do outlandish

what is that statement? Why do you talk about love,

Casanova has ever

responded, “Shanty, you should know,


laughed entirely. She snorted as she

Keith just looked

this girl when I was twenty-three. She is younger than me, but unfortunately, she was in love with another

of her, looking sexy, the boy next

attracted her. She

two years

happened? Did she

Shantelle asked.

could say that,”

town for two months without talking to anybody? I remember that. Evan was

all week,” Shantelle said.


with the children’s hospital in

I took care

Evan was being

an awkward silence

never recalled Evan saying something about Keith liking a girl. She turned to him, asking, “Is it someone I


his hair, and, without looking at

I will introduce you

that time will

when I started

trying to


Shantelle said before laughing. “I’m pretty sure

admit, the

hearts you


to forget her. I know I’ll

heart, but I know my methods

“The idiotic things we

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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