The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 38

Chapter 38: Reunion With The Thompsons

“Shanty, I used to watch you as a child. Did you suddenly forget that?” Clara said.

Shantelle felt her colleague’s gaze landed on her. Her superior gave her that look. She knew exactly what Doctor Hale was thinking.

“Shanty,” finally Erick Thompson spoke. He forced himself to sit on the bed, pushing his nasal cannula to tighten across his face. It made Shantelle move forward, instinctively wanting to help.

“Shanty, let’s forget about the past,” Erick asked. “Many years had gone by.”

“Don’t you recognize me? It’s me, your Uncle Erick. I used to take care of you when you were little.” Tears welled in Erick’s eyes as he asked, “Are you still mad at us, Shanty?”

“No.” Shantelle could not help it. She no longer cared for the fact that her colleagues were there. She wept at Erick’s words and offered him a hug. “I was never mad at you, uncle. I wasn’t.”

Many years had passed. The Thompsons tried to forget about the Scotts, but sometimes, Erick and Clara thought about their dear friends, especially the little girl that used to linger in their home when her parents. were busy at the hospital.

Earlier, when Evan revealed that Shantelle would be Erick’s surgeon, Clara was excited to see her. Erick wanted to reconnect. He had a heart condition, after all. At least, he could correct the mistakes that pushed his friends away- away from their lives and from the home they once cherished.

“Uncle, please don’t cry. You are not yet well. It’s not good for you to be in an emotional state,” Shantelle softly said.

“Oh, Shanty. My beautiful Shanty, please hug me too. I miss you so much,” Clara pleaded, her arms. stretching Shantelle.

Quickly, Shantelle accepted the hug. She felt kisses on her cheeks, and she was reminded of how Clara used to do this often, especially when she was a child.

Meanwhile, Shantelle’s colleagues politely excused themselves, sensing that the family required privacy. Doctor Hale said, “Doctor Shant, please do the necessary discussion with the Thompsons. I think we should give you some time.”

Shantelle wiped her face with her fingers and turned to her superior. She nodded and said, “Yes, thank you, Doctor Hale.”

Minutes went by, with Shantelle being embraced by Clara and Erick. During the entire time, Evan only sat on the sofa, watching them. He did not know if he was welcome in Shantelle’s arms. Inside, he wanted to throw his arms at her and cry with them, for his longing was more profound than his parents”.

“Shanty, please talk to me. Tell me about your life,” Erick asked.

Shantelle sat beside Erick on the bed, and Clara pulled a stool next to them. She smiled at Clara and Erick before answering, “Well, as you can see, I followed my dreams. I am now a surgeon, just like my dad. But instead of focusing only on cardio surgery, I opted for a broader scope. I am a thoracic surgeon.”

A chuckle escaped her lips when she described, “In simple terms, I am a chest surgeon. I operate on the lungs, the heart, and the chest walls. Basically, organs and illnesses that are covered in the thorax.”

her neck and down, just before her

the country?” Clara then bitterly narrowed her eyes, saying. “How come we did not find you? Where have

always lived here?”

not that famous, only

make mistakes. Plus, I easily find problems during operations. They say

proud of you. We-” Clara wept again. “We hoped we were there every step

Evan could only watch in envy. He tried to join in the conversation by clearing his throat and expressing, “It’s good that

said, “Mmmm.” She did

bet you graduated the best in your batch,”

L-” She stopped herself, realizing what

is it, Shanty? Tell us. Share

another smile, saying, “I will have another talk with you

us anytime. We don’t have to wait for the surgery -” Suddenly, Erick’s heart monitor beeped. His heart was beating erratically, and he struggled to catch his breath. His hand

Shantelle said while studying the heart monitory. She checked his medical

Erick’s other side and helped soothe

more about my life after the surgery. We can’t have you emotionally affected right now,” Shantelle gently said, and

the procedure. That way, you can ask me any questions about the upcoming surgery. Please excuse me for now. I need to check if the operating room

purposely returned to Erick’s room after an hour. She knew it would take some time to calm. down his emotions. When she did, Evan was

oxygen to go around a blockage and reach your heart. I will cut your chest open, use your mammary artery as

procedure last,


about four to six hours,” Shantelle replied. “Then you’ll be moved


scheduled the operation at five tomorrow morning. Will that be alright?” Shantelle asked.

before any heart attack could

Shanty,” Erick weakly replied. “Will you take care


unwittingly yawned and said, “I’m sorry. I haven’t had sleep. I should go now and head home. I need to be ready

hand, saying, “Rest well, Uncle Erick.

told William and Eleanor?” Clara asked. “It would

cruise. It can be difficult to reach them, but I’ll try their email,” Shantelle revealed. “They won’t be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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