The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 37

Chapter 37: Tell Evan

“Hi, you must be new here,” a girl wearing an elegant cocktail dress greeted Evan at the bar of their hotel accommodation. Instead of attending to his emails and resting for the night, he drank away his sorrows. Hearing the woman next to him, Evan raised his hand, showing off his wedding ring, saying, “I’m married.” “Oh, too bad. That should not stop you though -”

“Get the fuck away from me!” Evan shot back, glaring at the woman who approached him.

Yes, many years had passed, and he still wore his wedding ring. At that point, Evan felt sorry for himself. Shantelle had already moved on. She had a special man in her life now, but he was still holding on to her. ‘Lucas,’ he said the name. What a lucky man he was.

‘I love you.’ He recalled the words she said to Lucas. It was the same set of words that Shantelle only used to say to him – how she repeatedly told him he loved her, yet he never said it back.

It was his fault. He knew it. He realized too late what Shantelle meant to him. Now, he could only suffer the consequences of his mistake. If only he could turn back time.

Another irony of love; loving someone at the wrong time or finding out you love someone after the same had walked out of your life.

“Evan, you are so fucked up,” he said under his breath. He ran his hand over his face, hating himself all over again.

After gulping down a full glass of wine, Evan remembered the last time he asked Keith about Shantelle. How did Keith miss out on the fact that Shantelle was here? When did Shantelle start working for Warlington Hospital? Could Keith have lied to him all along?

Several probabilities played in his head, but he also considered how Keith had been busy recently. It was possible that Keith no longer familiarized himself with the new doctors.

Evan called Keith, but it was the same; he was not reachable. Evan still needed to gain his friend’s new number from his secretary. He wound up calling his other friend instead, Wendell.

it?” Wendell asked. “Why are you calling

Shanty,” Evan

Wendell finally replied, “That’s great news, right?

she is in a relationship. Fuck, maybe

“Maybe?” Wendell sought.

for years. You can’t just let it go. At least talk to her and get closure. If she is married

up, Evan’s chest congested. However, he acknowledged his friend was right. He said, “I’ll talk

to look extremely handsome tomorrow. How about you shave

five in the morning, Shantelle received

Shantelle immediately answered her mobile, knowing full well the reason

Shant, you have your new patient’s profile? Let’s have a briefing before meeting the patient. You’ll need to adjust your schedule accordingly.” Doctor Hale

I head home to bring my son to school? I’ll come back before nine in the

you later, Doctor Shant,”

returned home to prepare her son for school. She did not sleep at all, but she was

he looked like. Shantelle still did not have the heart to tell her son about his father, but she

on his reaction, she would

night, giving her his temporary number. Keith was still unable

problem. Evan is here. Uncle Erick is having surgery, and I am his doctor. Call me when

hospital, she and her surgical team were briefed about Erick Thompson’s medical condition. That was another reason for Shantelle’s worry. It’s been so long since she had met the Thompsons, she

have any questions before we meet the patient?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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