The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 174

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 174

Chapter 174: A Night Of Justice

Gravity Ventures was Evan’s financial company. It worked as an investment enterprise, opening opportunities for small companies and private individuals to grow their funds with minimum risk. Gravity Ventures would invest pooled money in assets based on specific management objectives. Most of the time, they are placed in stock markets.

Rose Hills has never been Gravity Ventures’ biggest market. It bloomed in cities like Lockwood, Hamlin, and, as of recently, Braeton. However, that year, Evan chose to widen Rose Hills’ knowledge about investment companies. He meant to do this by sponsoring a private party, inviting all wealthy families of Rose Hills, politicians, executives from different companies, and the media.

Evan purposely invited Brooklyn, the new CEO of Balance Point Accounting Firm. Her entire family had also been invited. He did not think it would work, but fortunately for him and his friends, Brooklyn was desperate to strengthen the firm’s influence after her divorce from Sean. It was clear with how she and her father quickly mingled into the crowd, introducing themselves and the services they offered.

The party was held at the Diamond Hotel Rose Hills grand ballroom. There were over two hundred guests dressed in luxury evening wear. Everyone was merrily drinking wine and eating canapes when the host announced that the formal program would begin.

As Evan walked up on stage, visitors settled in their seats to welcome everybody. As always, Evan looked dashing in his custom-made suit. His intense dark brown eyes made him appear more intimidating. He said, “Gravity Ventures, being under the Thompson Group of Companies, wishes to invite more business partners, and that’s why you are all here today, for I consider each one of you as potential partners. To understand fully what Gravity Ventures is all about, allow me to show you in this brief presentation.”

Next, a thirty-minute video of the company’s goals and achievements was presented through the LED screen. It featured successful clients who had doubled their money since their investments, and that all the more enlightened the guests.

After the video presentation, Evan returned to the podium and announced, “Now, we are aiming for bigger and better business, starting with getting one of the best accountants on board with me as my new CFO. Yes, that’s right. The Thompson Group of Companies has a new CFO. He has probably worked with some of you, auditing your business or personal expenses.” 1 “Before separating from Balance Point Accounting Firm, he was the city’s most sought-after external accountant.” Evan smiled. “And I am pleased to announce that he has finally joined my company.”

Evan began to highlight Sean’s achievements, for he was the official auditor of the city hall. He said, “Remember the missing funds from the governor’s office? My friend, Sean

Ross, traced it down to the former governor’s wife’s plastic surgery.” “It was the same for me. Sean was the same person who caught my previous CFO stealing from my company, but he isn’t just about having a good eye. Recently, Sean has opened my eyes to potential assets that were gaining fast in the stock market.” Evan went on and on, praising his friend. Then he added, “With him on board, you can be assured that your money is safe, the company is safe, and all financial reports are identified, recorded, measured, and communicated.” “It was a loss for Balance Point Accounting Firm but a big win for me,” Evan said, smiling from ear to ear.

The crowd chuckled, clapping their hands at Evan, but Brooklyn was frowning profusely at one table. She had just walked around, introducing the firm that she now solely earned, and now, Evan was slowly discrediting her company.

Brooklyn was certainly glad she was here. That way, she could sway the guests to use their service. She was confident that the party would land her a client or two, and all she had to do was to use her so-called innocent charms. Evan’s words will have minimal effect on them.

“Please help me welcome my friend and the new CFO of the Thompson Group of Companies, Mister Sean Ross!” Evan said on stage.

Everyone stood up to welcome Sean. Evan purposedly delayed his entrance, for everything about that night was part of their plan.

grand ballroom opened, and Sean walked in, standing tall with his smile reaching his ears. His eyes were gleaming as he waved at

the floor, seeing Sean stand up. She also witnessed him take a few steps forward, meaning Sean

Evan further added, “And tonight, Sean came with his date,

capturing everyone’s attention. Next, Brooklyn saw Sean’s eyes glistening as he stretched his arm to her. He took Reese’s

Although she perfectly recalled giving Sean away to Reese, she certainly didn’t expect him to walk again. Didn’t the

brought Reese to the table where Keith, Wendell,

love with me.’ A smile formed on Brooklyn’s face, saying, ‘He

to look

skipped the meal altogether to speak with an agent who could represent them with their

was happening, Brooklyn found the courage to approach Sean at his table. Despite being in front of Sean’s friends, she called, “Sean! Sean! You are walking, my

saying, “Yes, Reese helped me

reacted, her eyes briefly finding Reese. “So that’s why she is your date – to repay her efforts.” “Brooklyn. What do you

I can’t believe we got a divorce, but now you can walk!”

it, knowing what would come. He clenched his jaws and said, “I don’t have time to talk right now, Brooklyn, but you should stay for the rest

walk, Brooklyn was considering the possibility of getting back with Sean, especially since he was now the CFO


Hours later.

of the visitors immediately signed for an investment. Half promised to give some thought. It was good enough

waiting to have a moment with Sean, she noticed how people were suddenly staring at her, especially her father. They were gasping

Sean Ross left the firm and divorced her.” “What’s going on?” Brooklyn asked. She then realized how everyone was

quickly checked her social media feeds and saw an article featuring her father. It read: [Director of Rose

of fake receipts, check issuance, and deposits were posted along with the article, with the specific report reaching thousands of views. The news also featured how the audit of the Department of

paled. Her heart raced! She gasped, covering her mouth,

Brooklyn pinned the audit on Sean because she honestly thought he

eyes on her and on her father. She turned to Sean and caught him, lifting his chin at her. Brooklyn finally recognized that

need to leave -” “Director Bernard,” A police officer had entered the ballroom. He presented an

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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