The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 173

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 173

Chapter 173: Fall

“Let’s get your legs straight,” Reese instructed while putting a leather pillow below Sean’s heel. He was lying flat on a yoga mat as he straightened his leg and occasionally lifted it.

Each time Sean raised his leg, he grunted. “Why do I feel like

I am lifting weights?”

Reese chuckled and said, “That’s what every after-surgery patient says.”

“Phase one is ensuring your knee doesn’t heal in a bent position.” Reese lay on her yoga mat, showing Sean the next step. She said, “Next, you tighten the muscles on your thighs now and then, like this. And don’t worry about your knee brace because they are adjustable.”

“Got it!” Sean said. “You make it sound better. The last therapist who helped me was so grumpy.”

Reese chuckled. She said, “We should be strict about the therapy. It’s all about getting your strength back.”

After a set of exercises, they concluded their session that afternoon.

A week had passed since Sean was discharged from the hospital, and he was building his leg strength, hoping to walk without limping and feeling weak. Yes, he was walking, far better progress than his first surgery, where his discomfort grew stronger weekly. It wasn’t perfect yet, but he could see the progress day by day.

Like before, he preferred having his exercises at the condo, where he could spend time with Shauna before and after her class. He only worked during the night, checking on Evan’s company. Sean has yet to work full-time for Evan but was already reviewing some meaningful financial reports.

“We are done. Good job today,” Reese declared.

“This weekend, mom wanted Shauna to stay with us if that’s okay with you,” Sean proposed. “Just one night.”

“Admittedly, I am not used to having my daughter away from me, but I can’t be selfish. You deserve more than one night. How about you take her on a Friday, and I’ll bring her home on Sunday evening? We will have our weekend therapy at your house instead,” Reese proposed while squatting on her yoga mat.

“Really? That’s great!” Sean sat up, saying, “Thanks, Reese.”

“This is a great idea. I could use some time off,” Misses Kenedy said, overhearing their conversation. She walked passed them, reminding, “You better hurry. Shauna is about to get off from school.”

Reese first got up. Sean raised his arm, saying, “Help me up.”

She grabbed Sean’s hand and pulled him with her might. However, Sean’s pull was far stronger. Reese fell on top of him, her head bumping on his chest. 4

“Oh, shit. I’m sorry,” Sean said while keeping her frame from falling off him. “You okay?”

him with a flushed face. Their eyes were locked for a second before she frantically got

Reese?” Sean

to use the bathroom!” Reese


Reese arrived at the

arriving, “Shauna and Sean did a marathon of cartoon movies last night. Sean should be taking a bath now, but he is

Rese reluctantly

room and knocked before entering. When she called for him, he answered from the bathroom, saying, “Hey, Reese. Do you mind lending me a

and found Sean in the bathtub. The surface of the water

“Didn’t I tell you not to have

to smell good during our

to sweat?” She questioned but gave her hand,

in my boxers,” Sean

good,” Reese

her. Reese maintained to avert her gaze from him as Sean stepped one foot on

held her from falling, but

the tub, with Reese on top of

she felt she was completely drenched.

Sean’s shirt and training shorts. She only got a new pair of shorts after


Sean’s therapy. Sean was walking better. He could bend his knee with ease, and he could extend it without pain. The only thing he couldn’t do was run,

machine at the family gym with Shauna cheering him

daddy! Go!”

can try to go faster,”

more he went at it, the more he felt like he could run a mile soon. He

the times when she rode on Sean’s lap that they went around the house, riding the wheelchair, with Sean

to push

the mansion’s backyard. As they were at

warned, but unfortunately, the little girl did not hear

unforeseen impact. She fell on Sean’s lap while he

You scared me,

that was my

Shauna’s doing, Reese simply laughed it

turned to Sean and said unwittingly, “Why do I always

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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