The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 141

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 141

Move On Together

“Good noon!” Shantelle greeted with a smile. “I heard you went out at dawn?”

Wendell walked into the dining area, all freshly bathed, passed noon. He greeted Evan’s family, “Good morning.” 1

Shantelle and Evan were present, along with Lucas. The twins were asleep in the nursery with their caregivers.

The couple was still on parental leave. Although Evan occasionally worked in the study, he was at least at home, helping Shantelle take care of the twins as a priority.

It was the day after Keith’s and Karise’s wedding. The newlyweds were out of the country for their honeymoon. Wendell had temporarily moved in with Evan and Shantelle until finding his own place to stay.

“Uncle Wendell!” Lucas jumped off his seat and ran to hug Wendell. “Are you going to come with us to the hospital?”

Wendell gave a wary look at Evan. The man was sipping his coffee, and after putting his cup down, he explained, “Lucas has his weekly check-up with Doctor Patel. If you haven’t yet become your company’s president, you are welcome to join.”

Shaking his head, Wendell revealed, “Not yet. I asked Milan to help me with another two days of rest. I could use some time off.”

He sat next to Lucas and said, “I would love to come with you to the hospital.”

“Yay! It will be fun! You, me, daddy, mommy, and uncle Miguel!” Lucas exclaimed.

Shantelle snorted, laughing. She described, “We will be fully occupying Doctor Patel’s office.”

“Now, it’s time to eat your broccoli because if you don’t, I will eat them!” Wendell teased.

“No way! It’s my broccoli, Uncle Wendell! You can eat sausages!” Lucas retorted, encouraging giggles in the air.

It was a merry lunch gathering in Evan and Shantelle’s home. After their meals, they all left for The Children’s Hospital. It was from Doctor Patel’s clinic that they received an update about the twin’s cord blood cell culturing. With Wendell there, the doctor had to thoroughly explain the process. Wendell was genuinely curious about how Lucas would receive his future treatment.

“In reality, the cord blood cells from Lucas’ siblings are just two-eighth of his needs. That is why the same collected blood cells needed to be cultured in a marrow-like environment to self-regenerate. Although it is potent, we want it to have better chances of curing the anemia. The plan is to let the cells grow first while we have time. Besides, Lucas’ blood counts are hanging in there with the added protection we are giving him,” Doctor Patel explained. “He may also even get better on his own.”

“If Lucas can fight this one on his own, then well and good, but if his blood count starts to drop again, we will proceed with the stem cell treatment,” the doctor added.

his fingers through his hair and said, “I see. It’s just that I wish

Lucas said, looking down

choose your crowd. You can only go out with those that

Wendell was studying his brothers’ work. The Grays had demanded his brother’s resignation earlier,

Director for G&F Manpower International Service. He was the one working hard to attract applicants

invested in stock markets since college. He also subsidized two of Evan’s businesses; The Lockwood Children’s Hospital and the shipping lines. He likewise had shares in Sean’s accounting firm. That was where Wendell got most of his income.

front of his laptop, Wendell received a video message. Milan sent him a recording of her punching a

you are doing it all wrong. You need to

blame me. The coach here

your life depended on it. Imagine you are holding

way to put it. Better yet, I’ll

lips. It came so naturally that Evan caught his attention. The man asked,

of these days, I’ll show you. Screw the gym’s coach. He doesn’t know what

take the most of what

should only share that with your special someone. One of these days, I promise I’ll show you

probably because I can’t screw.

Wendell: [I’m not following.]

came and went. Milan never replied. Wendell tried to call Milan, worried he might have said

Grays’ mansion after dinner. Milan’s father was pleased to see him, and Wendell could tell, he was assuming

you want coffee or drink?” Mister

fine, Mister Gray,” Wendell replied. “Thank

down in a minute,” Milan’s

came down to the pool area. She had a freshly washed face, but her eyes were puffed, suggesting she

say something to offend you?” Wendell

nearby. After confirming he was gone, she said, “Let’s

in circles in the next few minutes, with Milan remaining silent. After some time, she revealed, “I couldn’t make love with your brother. In fact, I had never really

Rowan ended up having sex with Salome, I imagine that’s why he cheated on me,” Milan suggested. “I have a moderate

Wendell repeated his brow

know.” Milan quoted with her fingers,

Wendell was sent laughing at her term. He

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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