The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 142

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 142

The Godparent Vows

“We have a problem,” Shantelle said to Evan. “The twin’s evening shift caregiver got sick, and you know we can’t let any infection get in the house. Remember that Mrs. Shaw and Tessie took their days off?”

Pouting her lips, Shantelle revealed, “They won’t be back until tomorrow morning. The morning shift caregiver can’t extend any longer. She said no one is taking her son to school.”

Evan immediately got up from his seat and walked toward his wife. He said, “Go ahead and take your rest. It’s my turn to watch the twins.”

But I thought you said you were working on something important?” Shantelle revealed. “I was thinking of calling mom.”

“At this hour? It’s almost midnight, Wifey. No, let me take care of them. I can handle it. I’ll ask James to finish my work,” Evan said before making the necessary phone call to his assistant.

He pecked Shantelle’s cheek and said, “Come on.”

“Are you sure you can handle it?” Shantelle asked.

“I’m a super dad,” Evan claimed.

“Okay, why don’t we divide and conquer,” Shantelle suggested. “You take twelve to three. I’ll take four to six.”

Evan rejected the idea, but Shantelle insisted. She said, “We both should at least get some sleep.”

Then, as if having a lightbulb moment, she searched the study and asked,” Wendell took his rest?”

“No, he went to see Milan,” Evan revealed.

“Oh,” Shantelle said.

“A big oh,” Evan suggested.

Evan guided his wife to the master bedroom for her well-deserved rest. Then, he went to the nursery and dismissed the day-shift caregiver.

Looking at the twins sleeping in their respective cribs, Evan smiled. He might actually have a not-so-difficult night. The man moved one lazy boy chair and rested in between the cribs. He pulled out his phone and took pictures of Amelia and Marcus.

Evan leaned back and admired the photos, including those he had previously taken with his wife. Just then, Amelia started crying. He carried his little girl and tried to soothe her, but eventually, he caught the scent of her dirty diaper.

is that what I think it is? Is that why my

lay on the diaper changer area, gently removing her overalls and cleaning her off. Amelia was crying so

“Oh, no,” Evan declared.

then cradled both of his twins.

by one and alternately

he hurriedly carried his son. It was at that moment that he realized Marcus’ overall was wet.

guy’s thing poking out of his diaper. Evan chuckled and said, “How did that get out

still changed his son. When he

His son had a dirty diaper, and Evan changed him again. As he did, he remarked, “My goodness, we need

Evan slept an hour before Amilia asked for milk. It was evident

Shantelle’s pumped milk. Therefore, he opted to prepare powdered milk for his

did not like her milk. She

this close to waking

asked. He was chuckling at how Evan was carrying both twins and swaying

some milk,” Evan suggested. “The caregiver got sick, so I’m all alone to let

Just hold the frozen milk

milk. Just then, Marcus

Wendell and said, “I could

me wash first,”

carry Amelia. He placed Marcus in a stroller while feeding his

supposed long legs have their advantages. Haha!”

me,” Evan begged. “Pick up

mind? I don’t know

her bottle first and instructed his friend, Let her

“How?” Wendell asked.

his shoulder. He said, “Then gently tap her back

to Wendell around, Evan managed the twins feeding. However,

“Man, I am not cleaning

Evan barked. “That’s your goddaughter you are talking about? What happened to, for better

responded, “That’s marriage, Evan. There

my kids’ godparents will have vows! You’ll need to

that Ameilia cried. He had to give the baby girl a dance while wrinkling his nose at the smell of her dirty diaper. He said, “Fine, I’ll learn to change the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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