The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 171

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 171

Chapter 171: Condoms

Brooklyn gritted her teeth, watching the video of her and Aaron, fooling around in Sean’s office. She thought the incident when Sean caught them red-handed was the only time he had found out, but no, apparently, he had a recording!

She angrily turned to Sean and his lawyers. Evan, Wendell, and Keith were with him too. They were in full force in facing her with the divorce settlement and in canceling the

business partnership between the Ross family and one of the firm’s shareholders, Wendell Franco.

The meeting happened in one of the accounting firm’s conference rooms. They had been in a heated discussion for half an hour before Sean’s party presented the video of Brooklyn’s infidelity.

“Stop it! Stop it, I said!” She warned, her voice raised, and her nose flared as she pointed to the monitor. “How dare you take a private video of me

“You were fucking in my office. I have every right to have a surveillance camera in there,” Sean reasoned with a shrug.

Brooklyn’s father, Bernard, also attended the settlement meeting. He questioned the video, saying, “That video is probably fake.”

“We are willing to have the video evaluated for authenticity. However, you should know that several witnesses from the firm had come forward with Brooklyn and Aaron’s affair,” Sean proposed.

“I was witness to that. I was there when it happened,” Keith said.

“If you disagree with our terms, we will gladly expose Brooklyn for her cheating ways to the public and how she tried to steal from the company. The firm will lose clients, and its trust rating will go down,” Wendell added. “I will lose my money, sure, but that also means you will lose your money too! I can still live with the loss, but can you?”

“If you continue to claim alimony for the divorce, I will sue for adultery,” Sean added. “Not only has Aaron lost his job, but he will also be locked up along with you, Brooklyn.”

But we are already divorcing,” Brooklyn argued.

“We haven’t now, have we? Because you wanted more money, you would not settle the divorce without getting my house and at least ten percent of my company shares. That is how hungry you are for money,” Sean pointed out.

“If you continue to pursue this, Bernard, you are also going against me. Do you want me to announce a business ban against you and your family?” Evan threatened, referring to Brooklyn’s father. “Tell your daughter to stop dreaming. She was the one who asked for the divorce in the first place. She shouldn’t be brave enough to ask for alimony or any of Sean’s properties!”

Following Evan’s warning, Brooklyn’s lawyers privately pulled her and her father out to discuss thoroughly.

time, they returned with a

agreed not to get any alimony and the withdrawal of investments from the Rosses and Mister Franco, provided the following,” the lawyers began to list their demands, saying, “That there will be no leak about

divorce agreement had ultimately been signed. The investments belonging to Sean and his family had been

the paper. Still, it will be official once the


will the divorce be granted?” Sean asked

had talked to the judge. It would take about a month at the very least,” Wendell responded. “Most divorce proceedings last

month is the fastest. Don’t worry. I’ll be on top of

approved, she is going to go

though Brooklyn was easily off the hook, but it was only phase one of their plans. Brooklyn first needed to agree to an uncontested divorce with no alimony to avoid delaying the process. However, once

had refreshments in the sitting area of the man’s office when Evan asked his friend, “Has Anna agreed to

saying, “Yes, she

Department of Labor? Have they gotten back to us about

in the books how Brooklyn had named him as

was impossible because he was in a coma back then. He thought it was utterly

nodded and replied, “They will get

important is your surgery,” Keith proposed. Turning to Sean, he inquired, “Are you ready

He replied, “Yes, Reese has been preparing me for the operation so I can get back in shape faster.

really sorry about

the surgery if not

it would have been more devastating if we were married for a year or two and I

heads were nodding at that

from his drawer, saying, “I know that meeting your daughter is motivation enough

front of Sean. He shook his head, saying, “I swear

would cheer you up, so here

hell are you doing, man?” Sean

Sean?” Wendell asked before

swear since Evan got back with Shanty, he has turned comedic,” Keith

man. You had comedic episodes too? Remember

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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