The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 170

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 170

Chapter 170: Meeting The Grandparents & Uncles

The next day, Sherwin and Claudia Ross sat in the living room, waiting for their special guests, as their son, Sean, had suggested.

The suspense was killing them, but eventually, they saw Reese walk in with her mother. Smiles formed on Sean’s parents’ faces, seeing an old friend.

“Audrey,” Claudia called, teary-eyed. She stood up, eager to embrace Reese’s mother, but her steps were halted, seeing Sean enter with a little girl riding on his lap.

“Oh, hello, baby. You look lovely,” Claudia said to Shauna.

Shauna chuckled. She turned to her father. When Sean winked at Shauna, she shifted to Claudia, responding, “Hi, grandma.”

“Oh, grandma? Very respectful little girl,” Sean’s mother remarked. Then her eyes landed on Reese, and the latter flushed utterly.

Claudia glanced at her husband, and seeing his puzzled expression, they peered in Sean’s direction, asking simultaneously, “What’s going on?”

“First, Reese has something to tell you,” Sean reported.

In the next few minutes, they all settle in their seats, talking about the past, specifically the night when Shauna was made. At the end of Reese’s tale, Sean gave the DNA test to his parents, saying, “Shauna is my daughter, Mom, Dad. She is your granddaughter. I’m sorry I did not tell you sooner. We wanted the paternity test out of the way first.”

It could not be helped. Mouths fell on the floor. Claudia kept staring back and forth at Shauna and Sean, unable to control her emotions. She was shocked and happy simultaneously because Sean was already in his midthirties, and they weren’t getting any younger, yet they still had no grandkids. They were hoping to have grandkids from Brooklyn, but she

turned out to be a total fake!

Next, they observed how Shauna held onto Sean tightly. She hugged his arm and rested her head on his shoulder. As a response, Sean pecked Shauna’s head, and that sight alone tickled Claudia’s heart.

“Go on, sweetie. Say hello to your grandma and grandpa,” Sean urged his daughter.

Sean’s father was still silent the entire time. He was massaging his chest from all the revelation. Shauna smiled genuinely, saying, “Grandpa, it’s nice to meet you. I always wanted a grandpa.”

Of course, how could Sherwin forget that Shauna’s maternal grandfather had died? Reese’s father was not only his driver but a good friend, a listener who stuck with him until health prevented him from working.

Memories of his old friendship flashed in Sherwin’s head, how he cried at his driver’s wake. After struggling to speak, eventually, he said, “Oh, poor little girl. If your other grandpa met you, he would be over the moon.”

Sherwin called Shauna, saying, “Come here and hug your grandpa. I will gladly play the role of two grandfathers.”

“This is real, right? This is real?” Sean’s mother clarified.

Reese nodded eagerly. Audrey also expressed, “It’s very real, Claudia. I have helped raise her for four years. I know how much she took a lot from Sean.”

hand, Sean said, “It’s real, mom. More than just the paternity test. I could feel

her cheek. As she savored her scent, Claudia claimed, “Me too. I feel it. She belongs to our family.” She briefly let go to cup

Shauna happily followed. “I have two grandmas!

eyes ran in her side of the family. Her husband had green-colored

about what went on in their lives, how Shauna grew

draw and paint. Reese had purposely brought art materials, knowing it would be a long talk with the Ross

up to her father and show her artwork.” Daddy, look. This is me, you, and

Sweetie, you are a natural,” Sean praised. “Why don’t you draw grandma and

love to!” Shauna cheerfully

was innocent – unaware of the actual relationship between her parents. What Claudia and Sherwin

“Reese, we are sorry that this has happened to you. We completely believe

you, Uncle,”

are glad you listened to

with Sean and Brooklyn, I have been convinced that my son married a devil!” Claudia remarked. “It no longer surprised me that

really something. She had us all convinced that she was a good person,” Sherwin described. “Now that her true colors are out, her parents won’t talk to us.

this is all out, are you prepared to

course, Dad.” Sean turned to Reese, and from a distance, he glanced at Shauna. He firmly said, “I have every reason to move on. Brooklyn is not going to get

reminded. “Sean needs to prepare for

came at the right moment. We are surprised with a granddaughter, and Reese will be

returning and giving Sean something to look forward to. You have no idea how broken he was when Keith brought

all storms come to disrupt your life but

agree more, Dad,” Sean echoed, smiling at the end of his


evening, Sean strangely

made him more tired in the afternoon. However, that night,

learning that

brought Reese and Shauna with him. Before dinner started, they were

Shauna,” Lucas said, greeting his

hair and eyes,” Karise

are more of Reese’s,” Shantelle gave

Sean,” Keith

agree more,” Wendell

think you look like?” Milan

side to side, studying both her parents. After seconds of thinking about it, she declared, “Daddy!”

“I raised her

also shared, “I know how you feel, Reese because when Evan and I met again, my son was all daddy, daddy, daddy! At some point, I felt jealous but seeing them together just

a deja vu of Evan and Shanty?” Keith said. “So maybe Reese and Sean will end up together like I

fell upon them. Reese turned tomato red.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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