Chapter 3 Too Close to Each Other

Should I be surprised? In all honesty, it wasn’t really unexpected. Even though she and Josiah didn’t date each other before getting married, they had been together for almost three years, so she felt like she knew him quite well. Josiah was a kind person, not like the arrogant CEOs portrayed in novels and TV dramas who could intimidate one with just a single word. On the contrary, he was elegant in his demeanor, considerate in his speech, and meticulous in his actions. He was a gentle and mature man. A woman who could make him lose his composure must be someone extraordinary. She was almost prepared for an emotional reunion filled with memories of the past, but reality turned out to be quite different from her expectations. When she returned to the old house, there was indeed a pregnant woman present. However, the pregnant woman was seated with her mother-in-law, Susan McKay, while Josiah was seated alone on a single couch next to them.

agreement. “Yes, what a coincidence indeed. I was pretty surprised when Josiah got married. Perhaps Josiah is destined to have a connection with people whose names start with Lysan. One was his best friend since childhood, and the other was his wife.” Lysanne said, “Yes, how wonderful. You may not know this yet, Madam Susan, but Dr. Thorne was the one who performed surgery on me.” Susan was even more surprised now. “Really?” “Yes.” Lysanne reached out her hand to Lysander, seeking a handshake. “I haven’t thanked you for saving me and my child yet. If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t be standing here safe and sound.” Lysanne was frank and straightforward, so Lysander saw no reason to be afraid of her. She shook hands with her confidently. “No need to be so polite, it’s my duty. Your situation seemed dangerous,

side, more or less understanding some parts of it. Beside the old residence lived a family surnamed Thorne. The two families had been neighbors for decades. Lysanne and Josiah were born in the same year, with Lysanne being a few months younger. They were classmates from elementary school to high school, and they didn’t part ways until college. Josiah studied management at the top local university, while Lysanne went abroad to study law. In Susan’s words, “Lysanne and Josiah are so close they

Susan joked, “Lysanne, why didn’t you ever fancy Josiah? I fail to see how that boy is any better than Josiah.” Lysanne shrugged and replied, “We’re too close to each other. I just couldn’t bring myself to feel that way.” Susan had achieved her objective, and Lysanne’s lighthearted response lifted the mood. The dining room was filled with Susan’s hearty laughter. In truth, Lysander was grateful for Susan’s act of kindness. Lysander harbored doubts in her heart but refrained from asking directly. Susan saw through her doubts, thus spoke up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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