Chapter 4 Closest of Friends

Lysander recalled the examination report in her wallet, her knuckles slightly pale as she clenched her hands. “There’s no gift?” Josiah chuckled lightly. “Forget it then. I understand that you’re very busy, Dr. Thorne. It’s already a great birthday gift for me that you could spare some time to have a meal with me.” “Josiah, I’ve taken the next week off. Let’s go somewhere for a few days.” Josiah was somewhat surprised. “Aren’t you busy with your report recently? Do you have time?” “I can make it work.” After a moment of thought, Josiah nodded. “Alright, we didn’t have a honeymoon when we got married, so this is a good opportunity to make up for it.”

classmates and friends, mainly because she was busy with work and didn’t see the need. But this time, since she had broken her promise for the birthday gift, she agreed to go. “Okay.” … After working continuously for two days and one night, Lysander slept soundly that night. When she woke up, there was no one beside her. Such situations were actually not uncommon. She was a doctor, and whenever patients needed her, she had to stay at her post. Many times, it was like this. Although she slept in the same bed as Josiah, they hardly spoke to each other. After she washed up and went downstairs, she met Susan. Susan said, “You’re awake. Josiah is already waiting for you at the door.” Lysander quickly greeted Susan and hurried out the door, where she saw the familiar white Cayenne. She walked over and opened the passenger door to get in but was startled by what she saw. The person inside was also startled by her. “Dr. Thorne?” “Ms. Lysanne.” Lysanne seemed to have

She gently reminded, “Ms. Lysanne, the back seat is more spacious, and you’ll be more comfortable sitting there.” Lysanne suddenly smiled brightly and tossed her hair. The Porsche Cayenne was an SUV with a high chassis. Lysanne sat in the passenger seat, looking down at her almost condescendingly. “I get motion sickness, so I can’t sit in the back.” For some reason, Lysanne seemed different today compared to yesterday. She seemed to be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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