Chapter 6 Is There Pure Friendship Between Men and Women?

decanter and replaced it with mineral water. Josiah cooperated tacitly with Lysanne as he quickly took the glass in her hand and filled his wine glass while saying, “Here’s to everyone.” “Here’s to our student days!” “Here’s to youth!” This was what a class reunion was all about—chatting about the days of studying and reminiscing about the silly and naive moments of the past. In the end, everyone was swaying from drinking except for Josiah, whose face was only slightly flushed, but his mind was still clear. He unbuttoned his collar and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt to his elbows where the deep blue sleeve garters secured around his biceps. His slender fingers pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on his nose with elegance and grace that made him look tall and noble. But then, he suddenly frowned slightly as he looked around before fixing his gaze on a male classmate not far away. He walked over and kicked him, saying, “Put the cigarette out. Lysanne’s pregnant.” The man, with a bewildered expression in his eyes, was stunned for a moment before realizing what was happening. And he quickly put out the cigarette and threw it into the trash can. “Sorry, Josiah. I forgot.” Josiah glared at him. “Remember for next time.” The man quickly nodded and bowed with a smile. “Yes. Yes. I will.” “Have you ever seen Josiah like this before?” Suddenly, a man appeared at the booth seat opposite Lysander. She didn’t know how long he had been there. Lysander glanced at him. He looks about the same age as Josiah. He’s probably a classmate too. He had slightly long hair and wore a pair of black-framed glasses. He exuded a scholarly air, looked very friendly, and seemed to have a good temper. “Who are you?” “My last name is Rangel.” She thought for a minute. He’s polite and gentle. Is he the one those two mentioned just now? “Miles Rangel?” Miles lowered his head and smiled faintly. “You know me?” “I heard your classmates mention you inadvertently.” Lysander said, “Why don’t you go drink with them?” Miles waved his hand. “Josiah is there.” “What’s wrong with that?” He sighed and chuckled lightly, “When we were studying, Lysanne pursued me.” Lysander instantly understood. He’s the guy Mom mentioned—Josiah’s buddy. “You are Josiah’s wife, right?” “Yes.” “Josiah is really lucky to have a beautiful and elegant wife.” Lysander smiled slightly in response without saying a word. “Josiah has changed a lot now. When he was in school, he was so outstanding that all the boys in the school admired him.” “Is that so?” “Maybe girls of that age like tough guys. Almost all the girls liked him.” Miles paused, then added, “Except for Lysanne.” Lysander then said, “Lysanne likes you.” “She likes me?” Miles chuckled self-deprecatingly as if there was more to it. “Not necessarily.” “What do you mean?” He seemed a bit drunk as he raised

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