Chapter 7 You Shouldn’t Touch That Pocket

onto Josiah’s suit jacket, She appeared displeased with a hint of redness around her eyes. “I’ve said it before. Josiah and I are just friends.” Despite her smile, it seemed strained and unnatural. The onlookers were not oblivious to the complexity of the situation. Lysanne’s expression hinted at something more was at play. “Josiah, you and Lysanne…” Regaining his composure, Josiah returned to his usual demeanor and softly replied, “It’s getting late. Let’s all head home. Lysander, let’s go.” Lysander nodded in agreement. “Okay.” She then turned to Lysanne and extended her hand. “Thank you, Miss Thorne. You can give me Josiah’s jacket.” Lysanne clung onto the suit jacket tightly refusing to let go. “I’ll be going back with you anyway, so I’ll hold onto

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