Chapter 73 The New Anesthetist

Lysander was actually feeling a little guilty as she had asked Lynn for medication without registering. In other words, there was no record of her having an abortion in the Central Hospital’s big data.

If strictly following the procedures for accountability, Lynn would be considered to have violated the rules. Lysander frowned slightly and said, “If the dean holds you accountable later, just push all the blame onto me. Say that I instructed you to do so and you didn’t dare to disobey me because I am your teacher.”

Lynn looked embarrassed and replied, “Dr. Thorne, I

Lysander gave her a reassuring look and said, “Just say that. Don’t worry.”

Ten minutes later, there was a knock on the office door. Lynn went to open the door and she shrunk her neck. “Dean.”

The dean glanced at her and asked, “Why are you so afraid of me?”

“I’m not afraid. You are the director and I respect you

The dean chuckled and said, “I thought the post-2000s have their ego. You are an exception.”

Lynn forced a smile and pulled the corners of her mouth.

walked in and Lysander stood up holding onto the

gesture for her to sit down and talk. “Your leg is

just have a little trouble walking, but

a few days off and let

“You’re too kind, Dean.”

low on blood these days. You can accompany the blood collection vehicle to go out. It’s a more relaxed job

asked, “Dean, did you call

gave up a high salary abroad to come back to the country and he didn’t even go to the

Lysander inquired, “Anesthetist?”


13:38 Thu, May 30



will start working at our hospital tomorrow in your Obstetrics and

said, “All right. I understand. I will take good

stay, let

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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