Chapter 74 I Have a Crush

Adrian didn’t shy away from the topic. “I happened to witness your car accident at the restaurant earlier, so I took you to the hospital.”

Lysander felt a sense of relief.

She had expected Adrian to perhaps express romantic feelings…

The dean chimed in, “It’s wonderful that you two are acquainted. It expedites the process of getting to know each other. With your skills, our hospital’s obstetrics and gynecology department will surely thrive!”


Lynn, who was standing in the corner, spoke up timidly. “You came to see Dr. Thorne about this?”

“Yes. Why else? Dr. Thorne is exceptional at her job. I wouldn’t come here to cause trouble for her, would I?”

Lynn breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s good. That’s good. I thought—”

“What did you think?”

“It’s nothing. It’s nothing. Haha. I thought Dr. Thorne’s work was so outstanding that you were going to promote her and give her a raise.”

The dean stroked his chin and remarked, “Actually, I have been contemplating that. But I have hesitated, considering Dr. Thorne is already married. I fear she might announce a pregnancy one day and need to take time off for childbirth, which could be troublesome…”

“You needn’t worry. Dr. Thorne is divorced. She won’t become pregnant.”

Lynn blurted out, then quickly covered her mouth upon realizing her mistake.

The dean looked at Lynn in surprise, then at Lysander. “Divorced?”

Lysander felt a bit embarrassed and nodded. “Yes.”

“When did this happen?”

“During my annual leave.”

“Why though? You seemed to be doing well. Your husband even used to drop you off and pick you up every day. How did the divorce come about?”

Lysander was at a loss for words. “I-”

didn’t you


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13:38 Thu, May 30

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they departed, Adrian paused, glanced back at Lysander, and offered a slight smile before following the

watching Adrian and the dean leave before hurrying back to close the

you see that? He’s

sighed. “No

chuckled. “Fear dispelled! I was so frightened earlier. I was worried the dean would find out and reprimand me, so I didn’t even pay attention to the details. That Dr.

“Feeling a bit giddy?”

“No way!”

turn right. There’s a mirror. Have a look at your rosy cheeks. They’re all flushed like a

really handsome… I

was a knock

“Who?… Oh, it’s Dr. Sutton. Weren’t you supposed to be at the pharmacy with the dean? Why are

smiled. “You must

Yes. I am Lynn Bale. Dr. Sutton, you

with Dr. Thorne since you were assigned to the Central Hospital after

nodded eagerly. “Yes! That’s

gift bag. “I forgot to

eyed the elegant gift box. “Oh my, this brand

a friend send it from overseas especially

I’ve been out of stock for so long. I used

know when you finish eating. I’ll have my friend

her. She felt flushed with embarrassment and



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The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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