Chapter 161 You Do Not Understand Love.

Lysander gave him a profound glance, expressed her gratitude, and then promptly altered her course to pursue her younger sister.

Michelle didn’t go far. She was just sitting in the gazebo near the entrance of the residential area.

“Lysander,” Michelle called out, her eyes red.

“You like that boy that much?”

After some thought, Michelle nodded. “Mm–hmm.”

“But as you know, his family isn’t well–off, and his own academic performance is just average. His future prospects might not be too promising. Moreover, your grades have dropped since you started dating him. Mom and Dad won’t approve.”

“But Lysander, do we really need to set so many standards when it comes to liking someone? Yes, he’s not as successful as Josiah, his family isn’t as wealthy, and he’s not as handsome. But he likes me! Lysander, you married a man who’s perfect in every way, but are you truly happy?”

Lysander found herself somewhat taken aback by Michelle’s question.

Michelle pouted. “Lysander, ever since we were little, you’ve been my idol. You’re amazing at everything you do, and you’re beautiful too. Teachers, classmates, relatives, friends, and even neighbors adore you. I’ve always looked up to you. But Lysander, you don’t understand love.”

The night air carried a slight chill.

Lysander stood under the gazebo, her gaze fixed on her younger sister, whom she had watched mature from childhood.

around her had occasionally remarked that despite being sisters by blood, Michelle bore little resemblance to

whereas Michelle was clearly a lively troublemaker at first glance.

felt that being the eldest sister, she was somewhat more mature than

with no


her life with, yet love

seemingly unpromising future, Michelle loved

matter how domineering and unreasonable Lysanne was,

while love is often

have you stopped

You Do

her head. “Do you really like him

discussed this. Even if he can’t find a good job in the future and even if he doesn’t earn much, I’m willing to struggle


not, I’m going

“I agree.”

stood up.

the steps and taking Michelle’s hand. “I support you in this. I’ll talk to Mom and

a sudden? I thought

reason. If you can find someone you truly cherish,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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