Chapter 162 Reunite With Her

Observing that Lysander remained unresponsive and continued her leisurely walk, Michelle hurriedly took a few steps forward to catch up.

“Lysander, aren’t you going to ask me what Josiah said?”

Lysander simply said, “Don’t call him so affectionately from now on.”

“Then what should I call him?“.

“Mr. Guerra.”


After some thought, Lysander said, “Forget it, you probably won’t meet him again in the future, so it doesn’t really matter what you call him.”

Through Lysander’s mediation, the tensions between Maverick, Laura, and Michelle had somewhat subsided.

When the results of the college entrance exams were released, Maverick and Laura were so overjoyed they could hardly contain their smiles.

Maverick gazed at the college entrance exam scores displayed on the computer screen, his mustache twitching in delight. “Well, what did I say? The daughters of the Thorne family are exceptional.”

smile, “What do you mean by

said, “We can’t forget about Zach’s contribution. He was the one who drove Mich to and from the cram school, and he also tutored her

“Yes, yes, yes, these past few months, Zach has been incredibly dedicated. We should

The opportunity swiftly arrived.

her preferred university. Camila made a call, inviting their family to the Powell

Lysander watched her younger sister, who spent her days engrossed. in her phone, chatting with her boyfriend. Laura was constantly browsing online stores, picking out gifts for Camila and Zachary. Maverick, on the other hand, never missed an opportunity to boast about his

do I get the feeling that after you went home, you seem to be walking on

it’s because I left the

were interested in last time seems to be going on sale next week. That property is quite popular now. You should be ready if you’re thinking of

4 10 PM


that Lysander had taken a liking to was named Acalux Residence. It wasn’t exactly in the city center, but its location was still pretty decent. What was more impressive

highly coveted position in the competitive world of school district housing. If one were to have children in the future, they would have immediate access to the

residential area and their former matrimonial home were situated on opposite sides of Central Hospital, one to the south and the other to the

the worst that could happen if you meet them? I doubt

that I’m afraid she’ll give me a hard time.

they won’t have the

not them I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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