Chapter 164 Half Son

Lysander really couldn’t resist her sister’s persistent persuasion. In the end, she merely agreed to play it by


In Michelle’s view, as long as Lysander agreed, there was nothing she couldn’t accomplish!

Thus, throughout the journey, Michelle was incredibly joyful. Her words were particularly captivating. making her father burst into hearty laughter, while her mother playfully scolded her for being such a witty spritc.

Lysander was always a woman of few words. She sat quietly in the passenger seat, gazing out the window at the passing scenery while listening to her sister’s playful banter.

Suddenly, Zachary asked a question, “Are you cold?”

She turned around. “What?”

“If you’re feeling cold, I can close the window a bit.”

Lysander shook her head. “I’m not cold.”

“If you’re feeling cold, just let me know.”

“All right, thank you.”

is just a standard domestic model, not as comfortable as those luxury cars.

ask. Lysander chuckled. “To be honest, I don’t know much about cars. To me, luxury cars and ordinary

a sigh of relief.


I think domestic cars have been doing quite well these past few years, especially the new energy ones. I heard they’re selling

true. Our local brands have been steadily

new energy automobile industry in his own country, how it had outpaced the Japrium car and Keprarian car markets, and how

genuinely didn’t know much about cars, and she truly was educated on

days ago, I kept noticing a white Cayenne parked under your building. I hope that one day, our country will have its own luxury car

that day

have you ever driven a

Josiah’s car, when she had taken Priscilla to the

“Was it your ex–husband’s?”

Chapter 164 Half Son


of car


model is a bit more spacious than the others in the Porsche range. It seems

be more straightforward and not riddled with complicated thoughts. After hearing her out, Zachary didn’t dwell on it much. He cheerfully continued explaining to her the differences between an engine and

residence was technically in Harborbrook, due to the city’s overwhelming grandeur, her journey home often involved either a long–distance bus ride or

Zachary finally arrived

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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