Chapter 165 Lysander

Laura was a bit taken aback. “Isn’t Zach a year older than Lysander? That would make him nine years older than Michelle. Isn’t that quite an age gap?”

Camila hinted with a knowing smile. “Who knows? Maybe he’s been single all these years just waiting for her to grow up. Come on, let’s go in. Zachary, stop talking and quickly escort Mrs. Thorne and the two missy to

their seats.”

Originally, Zachary was at the back, engaged in conversation with Maverick. It seemed he hadn’t heard the conversation between the two older women up front. Upon hearing their words, he nodded at Maverick and quickly walked over. He pulled out a chair. “Mrs. Thorne, please sit.”

Laura felt a bit uneasy. “Ah, okay, thanks, Zach.”

“No worries, it’s only right. Lysander, please have a seat.”


Michelle’s turn, she was still engrossed in her phone conversation. Zachary had to call her several times before she heard

her younger daughter’s behavior, Laura frowned, bending down to speak with Lysander. “Lysa, did I misunderstand what Camila just said? I fear I

“You’re not overthinking

a liking to your sister? I don’t mean to be rude, but look at her, always grinning foolishly at her phone all day. I can’t

the matter, Lysander chose

Zachary. It seemed like he was also looking in her direction. Sensing her

Lysander felt a

had essentially grown up alongside Michelle.. Also, Michelle’s early romantic escapades, something she hadn’t even confessed to Lysander, were crystal clear to Zachary. It was evident that they had been in contact privately and


to my parents these past few days, and had been quite nice to myself as well. To

vitality, and I’ve watched him grow up since he was a child. His character is impeccable. Compared to that married physics teacher with a child, at least Zach is young and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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