Chapter 154 Disparity Is Huge

Lysander could have never imagined that upon her return home, the first words out of her mother’s mouth wouldn’t be a request to check on her younger sister. Instead, it was, “You’re divorced?”

Both of her parents were already over fifty years old. They mostly use their phones to scroll through Instagram and order groceries. The scene that day when Lysander caused a commotion at the hospital entrance could be considered a big deal, yet in another sense, it was somewhat trivial.

Aside from the clites in Harborbrook, which common folk even knew who Lysander was?

Thus, it was certain that the matter of the divorce was shared with the parents by someone young

“Where’s Michelle? I’m going to check on her homework,” said Lysander.

With a stern face, Maverick Thorne’s expression was somewhat cold. “Come back here. I’m not done talking to you yet.”

“The college entrance examination is still more important.”

Lysander’s mother, Laura Olsen, said, “We’ve enrolled your sister in a tutoring class, so she’s not at home right


Lysander came to understand.

Her parents intentionally sent her sister away, preparing to question her thoroughly.

couldn’t avoid it anymore, she had no choice but to accept her fate.

it because you’ve been too busy with work to have children?

be? The Guerra family is from high society, while ours is just an ordinary one. I disagreed when she decided to get married. Lysander, we aren’t the type to rely on connections. We don’t expect you to marry into wealth and become a rich lady.

listened, taking a

right in the first part of what he said. The gap between her and Josiah was too wide. They, indeed, weren’t a good

the latter part was

Josiah’s. What

“It’s okay. If you’ve decided to divorce, then that’s it. It might even be for the best. I was always worried about you being mistreated in the Guerra family. Now that you’ve left, I actually feel

gave a slight nod,

days off did you request

told me not to rush. He suggested I could return after


Disparity Is

Mom, don’t worry about

with your father for a bit? I’ve bought

“All right, thanks Mom.”

the heart with Laura could be considered a heart–to–heart between mother and daughter. However, Lysander’s

through the

topics with her father, both Lysander and Maverick found

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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