Chapter 155 You Are Quite The Gossip

Lysander comforted, “No, Dad, I wasn’t driven out by the Guerra family. I chose to move out on my own.”

“Of course, you had to move out. The homewrecker has already moved in, pregnant and all. Are you going to stay and help her through her postnatal recovery?”

Lysander was left speechless.

Maverick was still irate. “I can’t believe you just moved out so obediently when they took advantage of you. Although the Thorne family may not be prestigious, we’re not afraid of the Guerra family!”

“Dad. I retorted.”

“You call that a retort? You didn’t even utter a harsh word, and you were so polite about it. Well, the Guerra family deserved to be publicly humiliated and made a laughingstock for everyone to see!”

Lysander chuckled sofily.

“Why are you laughing? You’re still in the mood to laugh?”

“Dad, I was talking about Josiah. I cursed at him.”

“What did you say to him?”

“I berated him for being blind to the truth, for getting what he deserved, and for being cheated on.”

Upon hearing this, Maverick finally felt a bit relieved. “That’s more like it. Lysa, don’t hold yourself back. If you need to vent, then do so. No matter what happens, I’m here for you.”

pang of sorrow swept over Lysander,

patting her hair, “let’s not talk about this anymore. Since you two are divorced now, you should return to your normal life. Don’t rush into

“About what?”

I discussed it with your mom. We decided to sell this house

immediately dismissed the idea. “If we sell the house, where are you and Mom going to

that your mom and I wouldn’t be aware of. Like this time when you got divorced, you didn’t even have a place to come home to and cry. So, your mom and I have decided to move to Harborbrook. We’ll find jobs that provide room and board, so we can be closer to you and take care of

case, let’s buy a house under your name and Mom’s. I’ve managed to save some money over the years. We can buy a

your own. If you work a bit harder, you can even buy a car for commuting. No matter the financial status of

Lysander understood clearly.


155 You Are Quite The

that her divorce from Josiah was due to their family’s poor conditions and the vast disparity between them and

and wanted to provide some financial support, hoping that she would never have to feel inferior in her

savings, what will you do

I are still young. Your mom has done her research, you know. These days, being a midwife in the big city pays quite well. It includes meals and accommodation, and we’re talking over ten thousand a month! As for me, I could start delivering food. I hear there’s a high demand in the city, especially among the younger crowd. If I take on a few more orders each day, I could earn a bit more… and maybe even set something aside for Michelle… Why are

didn’t know why she was crying

couldn’t help but

“Dad, I’m sorry.”

this surrounding area. Who doesn’t know that the eldest daughter of the Thorne


to endure

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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