Chapter 156 He Is Stuck With That Girl

Maverick revealed a set of pearly white teeth as he chuckled sheepishly.

Lysander spoke honestly, telling Maverick all about the day she bumped into Lysanne’s parents in the hospital humbly pleading with Josiah not to abandon their daughter.

When Maverick heard about Josiah’s intention to sever ties with Lysanne, his expression was one of immensel satisfaction. However, upon hearing about Lysanne’s parents, he let out a long sigh and patted Lysander’s shoulder. “It seems he’s stuck with that girl in this lifetime.”

This was more or less what Lysander thought as well.

Lysanne had lost her ability to bear children, and the health of the elderly Thorne couple was deteriorating. While they were still in relatively good health, they wanted to secure a stable future for their only daughter.

Josiah was essentially raised before their eyes, so they knew him inside and out. They had absolute faith in his character.

As long as he gave his approval, the latter half of Lysanne’s life wouldn’t be too shabby.

Yet, they understood in their hearts that binding Josiah for a lifetime was also unfair to him.

However, they had no choice. For the sake of their daughter, they had to play the villain. Using their status as elders, they pressured him with their health and even their lives. They used every means possible to force him to swallow this thorn in his throat.

that girl’s mother seriously ill”

Lysander shook her head. “I’m not quite sure myself. All I know is that she has to use a wheelchair, and she indeed appears to be quite frail.”

“Having a daughter like this… Well,

about Michelle’s situation. “Dad, you mentioned over the phone that Michelle is in a relationship. Is he one

exasperated at the mention of that. “He’s her physics teacher


in elementary school!” Maverick said

getting a bit out of

concern. “Does

“Of course he does.”

“What did he say?”

finish her exams before discussing it with her. He was worried that a direct rejection might affect Mich’s performance. He sure knows how to sweet–talk, yet he continues to act all friendly with Mich, even going so far as to stay behind to help

she thought it was.


156 He Is Stuck


only focuses on physics and neglects all other subjects. It’d be surprising if

“I’m going to the cram school to have a chat

what your mom and I were saying. Michelle is quite rebellious these days, and she talks back to us! She’s always listened to you. Maybe she’ll listen if

asked Maverick for the address of the cram school, then hailed a

class should end at noon. She arrived at the building fifteen minutes before noon.

still dressed in her school uniform, carrying a backpack over her shoulders. Beside her stood a man who appeared to be around thirty years old. He was wearing

away, Lysander took a moment to size up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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