Chapter 191 Encounter At The Bar

Clearly, that person had seen her as well.

“Well, isn’t it the renowned Dr. Thorne?”

Lysander observed the spirited young man in front of her. The lad had vibrant red hair, wore a leather outfit, and even sported a flashy earring on one car.

In just a few days of not seeing him, he had gone from being a sharply dressed secretary to reverting to his original state.


“You still recognize me?” Leo nonchalantly slammed his pool cue onto the ground, leaning against the pool. table with a devil–may–care attitude. He tilted his chin up and squinted his eyes. “Whether you know me or not, I’ve been meaning to settle my sister’s score with you.”

Lysander averted his gaze, glancing over at Michelle who was standing not too far away, leisurely holding a


“Michelle, come here.”

Michelle obediently nodded. “Okay.”

Leo skillfully extended his pool cue, blocking Michelle’s path. “Dr. Thorne,” he said, “this young lady promised to play a few

Are you planning

came with

barely open. She was clearly groggy still, but luckily, she could still recognize Lysander. She gave the latter a mischievous grin and said, “Lysander, this guy here says he’ll teach

look of frustration, walking over with the intention of pulling her sister over, but Leo lightly. tapped

was immediately apparent that he was a regular in such venues, handling the cue with ease. The tap was far from gentle, leaving a bruise on

my sister. If

just you wait. She’ll be here

turned his attention to the billiard lounge entrance behind Lysander. In his excitement, he waved

she happened to see the two

Meanwhile, Lysanne trailed behind him, taking smaller

he stopped and glanced toward Michelle, who was not too far

146 PM


Leo. “I’ve brought Lysanne. I’m leaving her with

send me away,” she pleaded. “I promise, I

Josiah ignored her.


here?” Josiah’s voice was laced with a hint of anger. “Do you know what this place is? This is not a

age, Lysander had always been a diligent student and a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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