Chapter 192 Come To My Place Tonight

Lysander stood behind Josiah’s broad back, completely unable to see what was happening in front. All she heard were a few bone–chilling snaps, followed by a blood–curdling scream from Leo, akin to an animal being slaughtered.

“Cut the cr*p and stop playing games with me. Didn’t you understand when I told you to let her go?”

Leo found himself sprawled across the pool table in an awkward position, his wrist twisted behind the back by Josiah. His face was flushed from the pain. “I get it, I get it! Josiah, please let go…”

“I’ve told you countless times to stop causing trouble!”

“You’re already engaged to Lysanne, so sooner or later… Ahh- Lysanne, help me- Ahhh—”

Lysanne watched as Leo yelled in pain, fearfully saying, “Josiah…”

“Shut up! It’s exactly because you’ve always been shielding him that he’s turned into this good–for–nothing!”

Lysanne bit her lip, daring not to speak any more.

She stood behind Josiah, wearing a pitiful expression.

look, Josiah said, “Lysander, take your

went over and grabbed

and slumping down onto a nearby chair. No matter what, she couldn’t be

she gritted her teeth. She looked down at her drunken sister, gently patted her face, and said,

under her breath. She shifted her position before

moment, Zachary arrived.

her savior had

happened? How did

before. She drank too much too fast and has already vomited once. Yet, she’s still this drunk.

the situation, Zachary took off his coat and handed it to

as Zachary squatted down,

it wasn’t easy

has been eating


a man should never say

192 Come To My Place

laughed. “Lysander, a man should never say he cant

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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