Chapter 266 Do Not Say That

“Watching a movie,” Josiah said. “Instead of waiting around doing nothing, we might as well watch a movie. We’ve been married for over three years, and we haven’t watched a movie together, have we?”

Lysander was speechless. She stared straight at the screen, ignoring him.

Josiah offered her a coke. “Want some?”

“Don’t bother me. If we’re watching a movie, let’s focus on it.

“It’s a horror movie. Aren’t you scared?”

Lysander tilted her head at him. “Do you think I perform surgeries just for show? The blood is red syrup, and the flesh is just pork from the market?”

Josiah suddenly nodded. “Got it.”

The movie soon came to an end.

When the movie ended, the girls’ faces were pale, and the boys took the opportunity to comfort their girlfriends with hugs and hand-holding. Couples were scattered throughout the aisle.

Lysander was calm, even holding a large bucket of uneaten popcorn. “Michelle likes this. It would be a waste to throw it away, so I’ll take it back for her

She went to the counter and asked for a plastic bag to pack the popcorn.

Josiah’s gaze was filled with curiosity and regret as he looked at her.

bag. “Why are you looking

feel like I still don’t

Lysander chuckled. “Likewise.”

the cinema, Lysander glanced back in the direction they came from, but there was

had he gone to meet

got into

caller ID showed someone’s

with displeasure. “After this matter is settled, block

replied, “My parents are on good terms with his mother. Even if we know what’s going




1 Coins= 1 Pearls

a pause, he added. “Add his

looked at the screen, where “Zachary-bro” was flashing, and

gentle and clear

as he seemed, hearing Zachary’s candidness for the first


take you to see a movie too, but you’re too sharp

was suddenly taken from

frowned slightly. “Time and place. Skip the

laugh echoed through the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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