Chapter 265 What Does He Want

The title of this movie was “The Fright.”

Josiah had intentionally chosen a seat in the far back corner, perfect for observing the rest of the


However, the downside was that from such a high vantage point, anyone turning around could easily see them.

Josiah was like a wall, squeezing Lysander into the edge, pinning him between him and the wall.

On the screen, an exploration team entered an abandoned, supposedly haunted hospital. The eerie, dark scenes and haunting music made Lysander extremely uncomfortable.

Suddenly, everything went dark.

Lysander could smell the lingering citrus scent on Josiah.

“What are you doing?”

Before Josiah could answer, they heard several girls in front screaming in fright.

Some children even cried out loud.

later, Josiah let

s a bit scary”

see him sitting extremely comfortably with his legs crossed. He held a large

in the middle of the

over, offering the popcorn.

Lysander refused. “No,

say it won’t make you

the popcorn on the empty seat beside him.


with his sudden appearance, Harry grew suspicious. This is nothing more than

Josiah said.

and Harry to divorce smoothly and protect their assets, we need to negotiate with him. Offer him what he wants in exchange, and he will stop

you considered what Zachary really



question genuinely

him significantly. Important projects, such as those collaborating with Guerra Group, were handed

prospects were

were to make a


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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