Chapter 351 Come Stay At My Place

Snapping back to reality, Lysander immediately shook her head.

“Why do you look so dazed, then?”


Lysander made a visibly tired expression and gestured toward the bedroom, indicating that she wanted to go back to sleep.

Realization dawned on Adrian. “You didn’t sleep well last night? Makes sense, as you were probably constantly worried that the two men outside would start a fight.”

Lysander was instantly embarrassed.

It’s fine, just a joke. Both Josiah and I are adults. He did indeed drop by the house last night but left shortly after without saying much.”

Lysander took another spoonful of scrambled eggs into her mouth.

That’s just the calm before the storm. There’s no way he’ll let things go so easily.

Adrian asked, “After we finish eating. I’m heading to the Ecronian supermarket. Will you come with me?”

Lysander sbook her head.

“All right then. You take a nap. I’ll be back once I’m done with the shopping.”

to gather the dishes, ready to wash them. Noticing the injury on his arm, Lysander took

was about to leave, he initially wanted to leave his phone with her. However, after some thought, Lysander decided to

her resolute attitude, Adrian didn’t insist. He simply started the car



spotted a

the door, and a cell phone was thrust into

and heading straight for the dining room. He pulled chair and settled down, asking, “What did you have for breakfast?”

door, and

smartphone in her hand didn’t have a password. She

Lysander: Where’s Harry?

had forgotten to adjust the font size, so

Balance: 4522 +1725

1 Pearls

1 Coin

3 Jun

Come Stay At My

Scambled eggs and salad.

had enough

She nodded.

said, “Pack up your things and

her brow,

even if you don’t pack up. We can just get new daily necessities. All I need is for you to come with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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