Chapter 352 Even Breathing Is Wrong

Lysander was intently listening.

He paused for quite a while, then suddenly chuckled. “I have no idea.”

At that point, Lysander was starting to lose her temper.

How could he not know A full–grown man had entered Guerra Group’s underground parking and, up until now, even the police couldn’t find him.

Who else in Harborbrook had the ability to make someone disappear like that other than him?

Lysander typed: If you don’t know, then forget about it.

Josiah said. “I thought you would ask a few more questions.”

Lysander: Is there a point in me asking?

you talk a bit more with me, who knows. I might


you claim ignorance, then so be it. I don’t wish to bother with this

afraid that I might have done

the Everhart family. Since Harry has done

didn’t he? He’s afraid that if anything happens to

away from the Everhart residence, so Mr. Everhart’s worries are justified. Moreover, Daphne is also a

can’t always be thinking about others. Can’t you consider things from your own perspective for once? It was you Harry kidnapped, and it’s you who, till this day, still cannot speak because of him. Don’t you want to seek revenge and

I want to, but

wrecked Priscilla’s, yet that doesn’t break any laws. Even though he attempted to kidnap you, he failed in the end. There are

think you are to handle this on your own? Some kind of deity? Are you going to manage things even the law can’t handle?

abruptly turned icy. “Are you blaming




The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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