Chapter 366 I Remember

The girls around also began to giggle, covering their mouths as they did that.

Lysander was also somewhat curious. “Why was he scared?”


The bride whispered into her car, “Once, Adrian drank too much, and Lucy took him to the hotel. She was dressed very provocatively. We all thought Lucy would definitely succeed that time, but to our surprise, Adrian ran off. We even wondered if he was gay because he could be scared off even when a girl was that forward. But seeing you today, everything becomes clear. He prefers the subtle beauty found in women from Aploth. He really can’t handle anything too bold and passionate.”

Lysander gave a dry laugh. “We’re just friends.”

The smile on the bride’s face faltered. “You two aren’t a couple?”

As they were speaking, a familiar voice echoed from behind, chuckling warmly. “Rina, congratulations and best wishes on your wedding.”

Upon seeing the newcomer, the bride immediately walked over and warmly embraced her. “Thank you, my dear.”

“This is a gift for you.”

“Wow! Thank you. Can I open it now?

“Of course.


Do you like it?

like it! But this necklace is quite expensive and

“Have you forgotten who my fiancé is?”

immediately lit up with realization. “If he’s the one who bought it, then I can accept it without any guilt. He wouldn’t mind

doesn’t matter

uttered with a playful irritation. “Where is he? Why haven’t

soon…” The woman turned her head and suddenly called out in delight,

engulfed by the crowd. At that moment, everyone had pushed their way to her front, allowing her to quietly hide in a corner and observe the drama unfolding.

Josiah was dressed in a sleek silver–grey suit, while Lysanne wore a


4522 +


1 Pearls


I Remember


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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