Chapter 367 Find Me In The Cabin

Her tone was pleading, clearly showing that she was backing down and asking Josiah for his help to smooth things over.

Josiah didn’t really mind. He simply said. “As long as you’re happy.”

Rina was thrilled. “I’m truly fortunate to know your fiancée. When the time comes for you two to tie the knot, please let me knows I’d love to come to Ecron to attend your wedding. It would also be a perfect opportunity for my husband and I to take our honeymoon trip.”

The color drained from Josiah’s face instantly. His gaze toward Lysanne carried a sharp edge and a clear warning.

Lysanne quickly mediated the situation by saying, “He’s rather busy. We’re not sure when he’ll be free. By the way. Rina, aren’t you wearing your wedding dress today?”

Rina successfully diverted the topic. “Wearing a wedding dress is so overrated, and it’s not even easy to move around in. For my own wedding. I just want my friends to have fun… Oh, right! Let me introduce you to a new friend!”

Initially engrossed in the captivating play, Lysander was caught off guard when Rina suddenly grabbed her arm, pushing her abruptly to the front.

“Do you remember the oil painting I often mentioned to you? I finally found the girl from the painting! Her name is Lysander. Isn’t she beautiful?” Rina uttered.

Lysander’s gaze subtly lowered.

However, she could already distinctly feel the piercing gazes of two individuals simultaneously fixed on her.

a blazing fire, the other as cold

you,” Rina said warmly. Pointing at Lysanne, she continued, “This is my dear friend, Jane. The man next to her is her fiancé, Josiah,

offering a light chuckle before nodding. “Hello

before her didn’t utter

stood frozen in place, unsure of how to react. Josiah, on the other hand, was sporting a cold,


didn’t you respond to my calls and messages?”

didn’t want to.”

returning my calls, you came to the wedding


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Me In

was clear that Josiah was upset. “Did you come here to avoid me, or

to hear the truth

of a smile on his face. “Where is he? Did he leave you alone to run

something from him?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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