Chapter 368 My Own Life

Lysanne tentatively asked. “Dr. Thorne, are you going in as well?”

Rina thought Lysander was tired, so she asked, “Lysander, are you tired as well? Would you like me to Adrian for you?”

Lysander shook her head. Hell, I’m not foolish enough to go in there.

Rina said, “Enjoy yourself, then. The sea view is quite stunning. There’s a buffet in the main hall of the cabin. If you get tired, you can rest in the cabin. There are six cabins in total, one of which is a makeup room. The other five are all available for you to rest in without any disturbance. I might have to go get ready now.”

“All right.”

With a playful smile, Rina gave Lysänder a nod before she, surrounded by a group of her friends, headed off to the makeup room in the cabin.

Lysander stood there for a moment before finally asking, “Why haven’t you gone inside yet?”

After Rina and the other girls had left, Lysanne was still on the deck. Lysander waited for a while, but Lysanne didn’t make any other move. Hence, Lysander decided to question Lysanne.

Lysanne approached, maintaining a distance of about a meter from Lysander, leaning over the ship’s railing and gazing into the distance. “Your relationship with Adrian is moving along quite swiftly. This is Rina’s private wedding today, and she didn’t invite just anyone. The fact that Adrian was willing to bring you along is no wonder Rina assumed your relationship was something special.”

Actually, from her recent interaction with Rina, Lysander had managed to figure out a few things.

Rina was clearly a free–spirited girl. She held her wedding without a traditional gown, and there were no elders

particularly large. It was quite apparent that

perhaps with ulterior motives, but Lysander was in

with Rina?” Lysander asked.

curved her lips into a smile. “She’s my close friend’s

“So you’re a close friend of the groom.”

it. “That’s right. I was the one who helped him with his

“I sec.”

up and said solemnly, “State

“What terms?”


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368 My



from the hospital, aren’t you? All Josiah needs to do is look up the list of hospital expatriates, and he’ll know which hospital you’re connected with. After that,

you want me to go, then? Outer space?” Lysander scoffed. “I

somewhat agitated. “Can’t you go somewhere he wouldn’t be able to find you? Like a small country that has no connection with your hospital. Surely, he can’t turn the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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