Chapter 392 Even Ordinary Friendship Was Impossible.

Lysander watched him, waiting for his next words.

It seemed as though Josiah had made up his mind not to mention that person again. “Let’s go. We should check on Mrs. Thorne first. Do we need to do anything special to transfer her to a general ward? You can stay with her. I’ll handle the procedures.”

Lysander took a deep breath, still gazing at him.

Josiah slightly tilted his head. “What’s wrong?”

Lysander gave up. “There’s no need for procedures. The nurse will handle everything.”

“Good. That’s a relief. Is this foldable bed borrowed from the obstetrics and gynecology department? I’ll retum it.

As he spoke. Josiah bent down to tidy up, compressing the foldable bed into a compact size and picking it up. “Should I put it in your office?”

Lysander softly hummed in agreement.

“All right. I’ll send it back now.”

The foldable bed was neither too big nor too small. She had quite a struggle moving it from the obstetrics and gynecology department. Yet, when Josiah took it with one hand and walked away, he was light on his feet. This weight was nothing to him. In no time, he entered the elevator.

ICU was also

removing various tubes and instruments from Molly’s body. When she was wheeled out, she abruptly grabbed onto Lysander’s hand. She opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but she couldn’t utter

crystal clear tears that

young nurse hadn’t noticed that she was gripping Lysander’s hand tightly while pushing the stretcher toward the elevator. Taken by surprise, Molly almost fell off the bed due to

At the same time, she steadied. Molly,

group of young nurses was quite starded. They quickly assisted Molly

you please let go first? We should head to the general ward first.”

seemed as though Molly hadn’t heard. Her bony hand gripped Lysander’s tightly, the grip growing stronger, and her eyes filled with

and she hesitated

“Let’s go, I’ll come with


Mon, 3


standard hospital ward, yet it

only high–ranking officials could reside, an absolute


doubt, this was

suggested, “Let go first. I’ll go and fetch a companion

quickly tightened it again, her entire being consumed


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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