Chapter 393 What Would I Want With Your Life

A hint of struggle surfaced in Molly’s eyes, but if gradually turned into understanding as she gave a slight


“First, take good care of yourself and recover. We can discuss everything else later.”

Molly struggled to open her mouth to speak, but she could only manage to utter a sound that resembled “ah.”

“I know what you’re about to ask,” Lysander began, “I need to give this some more thought. The opportunity in Stounia is a promising one for me. Whether to stay or to further my prospects there, I need to reconsider.”

No sooner had the words been spoken when a knock resounded on the ward door.

The figure of Josiah appeared outside the door. Through the glass pane of the hospital ward door, Lysander could see his face.

She raised her voice and said, “The door isn’t locked.”

With permission granted, Josiah gently pushed open the door and stepped inside, “I’ve returned the folding bed.”

“All right.”

are you

a companion chair from the side, placing it next

“You should head to the nurse’s station and

don’t need it.”

last night. If anything were to happen to

would dare burden you without

almost blurted out

it seemed that Lysanne’s current situation was indeed not one that could be easily put into words:

“childhood friend. However, their statuses abruptly changed. Even though Lysanne was still a childhood friend, the prefix “not biologically

least, Molly would no longer threaten Josiah with her own life for her

“You are the sole heir of the Guerra

I Want With

hinted, “Well, you’re mistaken there. There’s a difference between those who are

her desire to

certainly, it was nothing compared to the preciousness of her

as you’re not asking for my life, she probably

I need your

Josiah, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. “I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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