Chapter 638 Her New Life

Astrid, who was previously engrossed in her romance novel, instantly sprang into action, wheeling over the wheelchair with utmost speed.

The man finally saw the pregnant woman sit down, and like someone who had just caught a lifeline, he turned to Karen, asking. “When we went for a prenatal check–up in the city, they said the due date was still more than a month away. But she suddenly went into labor this afternoon. Does this count as a preterm labor?”

Karen could only make a reluctant assessment based on the pregnant woman’s condition. “The amniotic fluid has already broken. She has to give birth now. However, our facilities are quite basic here. The most complex procedure we’ve performed is an appendectomy. We will do our best to stabilize her, but you should call an ambulance as soon as possible.”

Upon hearing this, the man was immediately filled with terror. “It takes at least two to three hours to get to the city hospital from here. I’m afraid my wife and child can’t wait that long. We’re running out of time!”

Karen glanced at the pregnant woman in the wheelchair and then at the man. Gritting her teeth, she said, “Let’s try to deliver the baby first and see if we can hold on until help arrives from the city hospital!”

After she finished speaking, she hurriedly caught up with the nurse and Lysander, who were taking the pregnant woman to the only operating room in the health center. She asked Lysander, “Dr. Thorne, I remember reading in your profile that you used to work in the obstetrics and gynecology department at Central Hospital. Are you confident in handling a situation like this?”

“We need to assess the patient’s condition first, Lysander replied calmly. “The mother appears to not only have a preterm labor, but she also seems to be having signs of a difficult labor. The dilation phase is too fast, while the labor phase is clearly delayed. If we don’t perform assisted delivery, there might be danger.”

The healthcare conditions in the village were significantly outdated. Before the establishment of the health center, many families would opt to have childbirth at home. The preparation involved nothing more than a basin of hot water and a pair of scissors, and at most, they might invite a local midwife for assistance. If they encountered a difficult labor, they were left to the mercy of fate.

Karen, who had worked there for many years, was highly familiar with the conditions of the health center. She stated candidly, “We’re unable to perform C–section here. Even in the case of a difficult labor, we can only strive for a natural birth.”

This was the first time Lysander encountered such a situation, but even when faced with danger, she didn’t show a hint of fear. “I’ll think of a way to help adjust the baby’s position,” she said.

Karen, upon observing Lysander’s youthful age yet composed demeanor, recognized the air of an expert about her. She nodded and said, “All right. I’ll assist you today.”

The operating room in the health center was seldom used throughout the year. However, the medical workers were always responsible. Even if it was just to stitch up a wound, they made sure to disinfect everything thoroughly. This commendable habit proved to be extremely useful that day.

themselves and approached the laboring woman who was

struggled to say, “Doctors… Please save my child.”

to first wine the cwear from

voice, “We will certainly do our best, so you must also stay strong. Your husband is waiting outside for you, and your family, as he mentioned, is

The husband of the woman in

doctors. When they

of medicine. However, he 11 ly anxious, akin to a

condition, he became extremely anxious, akin to a cat on a

outside and her family was on their way to her, the woman

of the morning, thanks to the combined efforts of Lysander and Karen, a loud

“Look at your baby! He’s a very healthy boy. He just got

out, “He’s so big! No wonder he couldn’t

she was so exhausted she didn’t even have the strength to sit

the child closer to the mother, so the

already left the delivery room, sharing the good news with the man and relatives waiting outside.

woman who had just given birth was overjoyed upon hearing that the baby weighed more than eight pounds. She was so thrilled that she couldn’t stop smiling. “This is wonderful!

tears and said to the nurse, “It’s wonderful. Both mother and child are

birth and is quite weak. She needs to return to her ward to rest properly. Also, have -the baby’s blanket and clothes been prepared? The child is still wrapped in the

there. I’ve also brought clean clothes for my daughter–in- law to change into. I thought

his hands together. His smile was earnest as he said, “Yes, we never expected the

out, the woman who gave birth had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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