Chapter 639 I Want To Do That

The man held great respect for the doctors at that moment. He quickly handed the baby over to someone else and accompanied Lysander out into the hallway.

Lysander said in a cordial manner. “I heard that your wife’s family isn’t around here, and they won’t bel able to arrive until tomorrow. Giving birth is a tough ordeal for her, and she really needs to take good care during her postpartum recovery.”

The man nodded rapidly. “Absolutely! With the addition of this child, my wife is the greatest contributor to our family. I must definitely take good care of her.”

He was sincere in his approach, speaking nothing but the truth. However, after a day filled with busyness and his naturally slow–witted nature, he hadn’t thought to show care for his wife.

Lysander was slightly relieved and said earnestly, “Adding a child to the family is certainly a joyous occasion. Everyone has rushed off to see the baby, leaving your wife all alone. She’s still in a weakened state, you know.”

The man hadn’t considered things in such a delicate way hearing this, he earnestly recalled everything since his wife became pregnant. In an instant, the eyes of this grown man welled up with tears.

“Doctor, you’re right. I was indeed negligent just now. I forgot to comfort my wife. She’s been through so much, and her family isn’t here with her. I should take better care of her.”

“All right. Go ahead.”

The baby’s father quickly returned to the ward. He walked straight to the bedside, took his wife’s hand, and poured out a long string of words.

“Honey, I was wrong. I shouldn’t have been so focused on the child that I forgot about your feelings. From now on, I’ll listen to everything you say. Once we get home this time, you just rest. I’ll take care of the child. Oh! Also, you can pick the name!”

These words were unadorned, yet they were the heartfelt confession of a man to his wife.

broke down in sobs, crying out loud and clutching

ask, “What’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell somewhere? Oh! I almost forgot! I made you

Quickly, they pulled out an insulated tin lunch box, a common sight in the

the countryside, women would typically consume chicken soup

“Have you thanked the doctor? I lost so much blood carlier I thought I was going

explained, “He has

heard everything from my ward If it weren’t for your expertise in adjusting the baby’s position, I fear both my child and I would have been in grave danger.”

room to witness the dire situation first–hand. It was only after hearing from his wife that he was filled with immense gratitude. He came before Lysander once again, expressing his profound

my wife and son. I truly don’t know how to express my gratitude…..” he said, his eyes reddening involuntarily. The next second, following the traditions of the countryside, he added, “How

moved to help him. Flustered, she said. “There’s really no need for this. I’m a doctor, and it’s my duty to save

felt utterly overwhelmed by the excessive formality. She hurried over

grandmother and other relatives were afraid that their etiquette! might not be up to par, which could potentially make Lysander feel unwelcome. They quickly gathered around her to express their gratitude. Amidst the chaos, someone even pulled out a monetary

dare to hesitate. With firm resolve, she refused, saying. “You’ve already paid

somewhat uneasy as she said, “But after all,

yet firm resolve, “I am a doctor. It’s my duty to do all of this. If you truly want to thank me, take good care of the mother and child. When

for sure!”

and came over. Seeing Lysander surrounded by people with no way out, Karen stepped forward to help, saying, “Dr. Thorne has been busy all night. She

given birth were residents of a nearby village, known for their simplicity and honesty. When they heard that Lysander had exhausted

strained the entire night, truly exhausted to the point of near collapse. Politely saying her goodbyes to everyone, she then retreated

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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