Chapter 642 An Acquaintance.

From a distance, Lysander observed the handprints on his clothes, a rare sight of disarray about him.

Josiah seemed to sense her gaze on him, and just then, he turned his head to look at her. Their eyes met briefly before parting as he took two steps forward, and then, unexpectedly, he broke into a relieved smile.

“Yes,” he answered.

Blaine, noticing Josiah’s refined attire and extraordinary demeanor, quickly realized he was no ordinary man. Blaine then hurriedly approached, saying to the children first, “All right. Let’s not crowd around here anymore. You’re blocking the road.”

The children were very obedient to Blaine’s words, and they immediately dispersed like a flock of birds scattering

Blaine asked Josiah somewhat nervously, “I am the village chief. May I ask what brings you here?

“Hello,” Josiah responded in a friendly manner. “I’m here to… Oh! I was entrusted by Central Hospital of Harborbrook to deliver a batch of medical supplies to the health center.”

After he finished speaking, he moved through the crowd, his gaze landing directly on Lysander. His eyes were filled with an unspeakable longing and concern. He didn’t smile until he’d taken in her whole appearance, ensuring she was safe and healthy.

Lysander appeared slightly tanned compared to before, but she seemed to be in good spirits, which put him at ease.

Blaine followed his gaze, initially taken aback, then understanding dawned on him. These two are acquaintances!

Blaine then said with a chuckle, “So, you’re looking for Dr. Thorne.”

The observing villagers‘ gaze toward Josiah turned especially friendly when they heard those words.

and fevers. If you need

were perennially insufficient. Therefore, they had issues

hearing this, Blaine expressed his gratitude profusely, saying, “Oh, my! Thank you! It must have been Dr. Thorne who arranged this, right? Dr. Thorne, I

kits. He said. “The road ahead

hardly contain his joy. His eyes/sparkled with delight as he hurriedly called upon the villagers to fetch the carts.

and tossed it back onto the driver’s seat, ready to roll up his shirt sleeves and lend a hand. However, Blaine

enough. This is the only health center left open in our village, and we’re always running out

said, “My surname

plea in his eyes once again sought

had also felt it, she simply smiled knowingly, as if she hadn’t noticed,

Josiah remained by the car, continuing to listen as Blaine showered him with compliments. He was almost embarrassed by

come to our village under the guise of charity, promising to donate medicine. They made a show of it for the cameras, made

and say, “If only there were a few more people like you who are willing to get things

himself the recipient of several high praises in a row, his emotions mirroring those of Lysander when she was thanked, inexplicably feeling a bit undeserving.

adults had all gone to help move the medicine, the children who had previously been shooed away by Blaine curiously

Blaine that he needed to grab something. He then returned to the driver’s

Consider it a little welcome gift.” As Josiah

chocolates. They then thanked Josiah politely by addressing him the same way they did before.

“Hey! It’s ‘Sir‘ for you kids!”

promptly started addressing

Josiah missed his chance to become a father, he developed a fondness for children, treating them with great affection. It wasn’t until he had distributed chocolates to the last child that he finally straightened his stooped back. As for the last piece left in

saw the children happily eating

with chocolate in their

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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