Chapter 644

Lucas turned toward her. “Go on. Spit it out.”

Corinne got up and looked at him with resolve in her eyes. “Mister Lucas, I think there’s something wrong with the way you’re disciplining Mister Sunny.”

Lucas smiled. “Miss Corinne, I didn’t expect to run into you again so soon. Why, it was just moments ago we ran into each other at the hotel. I haven’t even asked you what you’re doing here and yet you dared to question the way I discipline my brother? In any case, who made you the queen of discipline?”

The contempt in Lucas’s voice was obvious but Corinne was unfazed by it. She continued to look at him indifferently and said, “I might not know everything there is to know about disciplining a child but I do have first-hand experience of what it feels like to grow up in a house that gives out bad disciplinary actions so I thought I should warn you to stop doing what you’re doing or else you’ll come to regret it in the end.”

a chair, sat down on it, rested his elbow on the support, and placed a side of his face on his hand. “Then what do you suggest I do instead? Tell me, I’m all

and glanced at Sunny, who was acting like a mouse who saw a cat, before

think attacking his self-esteem is not the way to go about it? He’ll only learn to doubt. or even hate himself whenever he runs into a

was stunned. He looked up at Corinne with surprise. He never imagined Corinne would understand. what he was

narrowed his eyes. “Continue.”

attack. In any case, you should have praised him for helping others and then gently let him know that it’s important to take note of his surroundings before helping

one can find faults with what he has done. What he shouldn’t expect is for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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