Chapter 645

Lucas stared fixedly at Corinne for a while before finally, politely but coldly, saying, “Miss Corinne, what you said only applies to kids of regular folks and not for kids born into the Rivera family. Those that carry. the Rivera name, like Sunny himself, are tasked with a great burden on their shoulder. Thus, he can’t just do whatever he wants. Do you understand now?”

What Corinne hated the most was the way Lucas thought he was better than everybody else just because he was lucky enough to be born into a wealthy and prominent family. “We’re all humans on this earth. No one is better than anybody else! You say he’s tasked with a great burden on his shoulder but have you ever asked if he wanted that?

No matter how self-righteous you made the whole thing sound, it still doesn’t make it right for you to impose your wishes on another person! I used to think life would be better for me if I was born into a wealthy family. Then I could do whatever I wish to do without ever having to worry about making ends meet. Well, you’ve certainly proved me wrong. I would rather live a life of poverty if it meant I get to choose what I want to do with my life!”

face flickered with displeasure. “Are you done talking? If you are, then I highly suggest you leave this room

you think your disciplinary method is so great, why does it

him to become who he is. When you berate him for how he turned out, it’s equivalent to you berating yourself for failing to bring him up properly. Don’t

his. His face darkened and his

it’ll never be able to extinguish the dreams he holds dear in his heart. One day, when he’s all grown up, you’ll come to realize that he wants to have nothing to do with

a way that did not reach. his eyes. “Well said. I’ve certainly learned something new today. However, might I remind you to mind your own business? An outsider like you shouldn’t butt your nose in my family’s business.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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