Chapter 646

Sunny regained his senses and answered Lucas honestly, “Umm, we just so happened to bump into each. other at the airport. We parted ways after exchanging a few words and I saw her again when I woke up in the hospital.”

“She came to the hospital without you telling her to?” Lucas asked suspiciously.

Sunny nodded. “Yes. I was still unconscious when she arrived at the hospital so there was no way I could’ve asked her to come.”

“Then how did she know you’ve been admitted to the hospital?”

“She said the hospital has access to the national traffic system which allowed them to track her down. They thought she must be my friend since I’ve spoken to her at the airport so they asked her to come here.

Lucas frowned. “The hospital has access to the national traffic system?”

Sunny nodded. “Yeah!”

say to that. All he could think about was how stupid Sunny was to be so easily fooled by Corinne. I was right to think she has some

a call. “Edmund, find out why Corinne came to Kanton City today and pull up all the places she had been to

sternly at Sunny. “Don’t forget Corinne used to bully Anya. I forbid you to have any contact with her. I wouldn’t want you to be

never do something like that! She’s not the type of woman you think she is! I know her. She’s

said Lucas mockingly. “And what would she give in return should

That’s exactly

be? A verbal agreement

drooped his head sadly and said in a small

scoffed coldly at that

the emergency department on her way out of the hospital in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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