Corinne was elated. ‘I can shake Lucas off once I get to the subway station!’ she thought.

After looking left and right for any incoming cars, Corinne stepped onto the crosswalk and sped up so she could get away from Lucas.

Just as she was about to reach the other side, a car heading straight for her suddenly appeared out of nowhere! She had no time to react!

Before it was too late, Lucas threw himself onto her.

Wanting to make sure Corinne’s baby would not get crushed, Lucas turned Corinne around when they fell so she would fall on top of him. At that moment, only the sound of the car tires screeching and the muffled thud of Lucas hitting the ground could be heard. It was a dangerously close call!

The first thing Corinne did after she recovered from her shock was to mentally note down the details of the car that nearly hit them. It was a gray van with the car plate number XXXXX.

After that, she looked down at Lucas. “Mister Lucas, are you okay?” she asked as she got up.

Lucas sat up, too. The first thing he did was not to check whether he was hurt but to lightly pat Corinne’s head. “There, there. Everything’s okay now. Just remember to be more careful next time.”

by his gesture. He seemed to be more worried about her than himself. She bent down to help him

With her help, he slowly stood up while making sure his

Corinne quickly noticed that little detail. “Did the car hit your

shook his head. “It’s nothing. I’m

disconcerted. She did

seriously. He limped forward and flagged down a taxi. He then turned around and said, “Get in. I’ll drop

for a few seconds. She then gave him a curt nod and got

driver the Holdens’ address, but Corinne immediately changed the destination. “Mister,

turned to face her. “I’m


never owe me anything. In fact, I’m the one who owes you. I shouldn’t have treated

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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