Corinne helped Lucas, who was hopping on one foot, out of the orthopedic department to a chair so he could rest for a bit. The doctor had ordered an X-ray of Lucas’ foot.

Lucas was not keen on sitting; he wanted to go straight to the X-ray room.

Corinne immediately stopped him when she saw he was about to put his injured foot down. “Don’t move. The doctor said you shouldn’t put pressure on that foot until we have the X-ray result.”

Lucas believed the doctor was overreacting. “A few steps won’t hurt,” he insisted.

“No. Stop! Don’t move!” Corinne cried out in a panic.

Lucas did not dare to disobey Corinne’s order, so he sat back down.

“Stay here, and don’t move. I’ll go get you a wheelchair,” said Corinne gruffly.

and nodded. ‘I would’ve gotten hurt earlier if I

a wheelchair for the nurse. She then helped Lucas onto it and wheeled him to the X-ray room. She made

was no denying that he enjoyed

the X-ray session was done, Corinne wheeled Lucas back to the orthopedic department to show the doctor the X-ray result. Even without the doctor’s expert eye, she could

and anti-inflammatory medicine for him. The only precaution Lucas

department worriedly. She was definitely not in a good

Lucas as her brother, nor did she want to have anything to do with him. However, she still felt bad for being the reason Lucas had

only allowed to use it up to the

compensate you for the medical fees, lost wages, emotional damage, and any additional fees you

but feel disappointed to hear Corinne say that since it meant she still saw him as an outsider. “Corinne, I’m okay. You don’t have to feel bad about what

call your family to

his phone was missing. “My phone must’ve flew off

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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