Sophia grabbed Bryan and pulled the painting from behind him. She then pushed him away and examined the painting. As she laid eyes on the artwork, she came to realize that it was just an ordinary landscape painting.

Bryan was infuriated after his painting was snatched away. He attempted to jump up and reclaim it, but Sophia's taller stature made it impossible for him to reach it. He yelled, "Give it back! Give that painting back to me!"

Sophia turned the painting over to see if there was anything out of the ordinary on the back, but the painting was rather normal like before. However, the irate expression on Corinne's child delighted her greatly and she deliberately withheld the painting from him to revel in his misery.

Their commotion eventually caught the attention of Adam, Melinda, and Lilin.

"What's happening, Sophia? Why is the boy making such a fuss?" Adam asked sternly as he came out of the room with his hands behind his back.

"Don't worry about it. He insisted on running out on his own, and he

and waved to him. "Come here, Benjamin. You shouldn't run off on your own. I'll put on some

never going to consider Adam and Melinda as his grandparents. He ignored Melinda's invitation and continued to jump and reach for

was not angry at him-just

was peeved by what he perceived as the child's lack of respect. He grumbled, "Is this how Zachary spoils his children? Not

he inherited this rebellious streak from." Adam immediately recalled the child's

is a very good boy. He's

You've barely even spent any time with him. Have you seen

know that he's upset right now because you took away the painting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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