Lilin walked up to Sophia with a frown and looked up at her sister, who was much taller. She stretched out her hand and said, "You wanted to give back the painting to me, right? Well, give it." Sophia did not notice anything peculiar with the painting, and she was not prepared to argue with Lilin in front of Adam. After all, she had just promised her father that she would get along well with her sister, so she happily returned the painting to Lilin.

Lilin rolled her eyes at Sophia after taking back the painting. She then handed it to 'Benjamin' in front of everyone and said, "Here! Take better care of the painting I gave you next time!" Bryan's unease improved slightly after he took the painting back. He pouted and said, "Thank you, Aunt Lilin!"

Lilin replied, "You're welcome!" She then turned to look at Adam and said, "See, Dad? Benjamin is a very sensible, polite little boy. Some people just don't know how to teach their children!"

Adam had a slightly contorted expression, while Sophia gritted her teeth after hearing the sarcasm in Lilin's words.

Lilin ignored Sophia and held the boy's hand. "Come with me. I'll bring you to your father's room!"

Bryan nodded and said, "Okay." He left obediently with Lilin, while Sophia was left to deal with Adam's scrutinous gaze.

to make sure Sophia was not following

he looked

guess. "I can see that you hate Sophia as much as

she was not a bad person,

knew it!"

little puzzled. "How

you the painting earlier, you happily told me that you wanted to give it to your Mommy. I thought you were referring to Sophia, but after I saw how angry you were when she took it from you, I knew right away that Sophia isn't

for you to keep this a secret even though you're not really my aunt?" Bryan

course I can! My lips are sealed," replied Lilin assuringly. "If I wanted to expose you, I would've already

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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