Not long after that, the injured Emily was carried down by the men in black with Melinda and Lilin anxiously following them. "Hurry! Where's the ambulance?" asked Melinda.

The leader of the men quickly walked up to her and answered respectfully, "Ma'am, we've already called the ambulance. It'll take a few minutes for one to arrive from the nearest hospital, so please don't worry. How could she not worry when Emily had passed out from losing too much blood? Nonetheless, she knew there was no use hurrying them. The only thing she could do was to wait patiently for the ambulance to arrive. Thus, she nodded and continued to anxiously monitor Emily's situation.

The man did not dare to let his guard down either. He gave both Melinda and Lilin a thorough check-up. He was relieved to find them unharmed, though he still asked, "Ma'am, are you and Miss Lilin alright?" "Yes, we're okay. Why isn't the ambulance here yet? Maybe you should just send her to the hospital," answered Melinda.

"Ma'am, we can drive your friend to the hospital, but it might not be as fast as the ambulance. It's rush hour now, and the ambulance's siren will come in handy. It's better for us to wait for the ambulance to arrive. There'll be medics in the ambulance, too. They'll be able to tend to your friend's wound immediately," replied the man.

Melinda knew he was right, but she still could not help but worry.

At that moment, two men in black brought out Lilliana and Sherlyn.

to escape after hurting your friend. We managed

at the two women. She was not in the mood to deal with them, so she

of sadness, anxiety, and anger, she said, "It's them! They were the ones who hurt Miss Emily and harassed us! The

push Miss Lilin?' The man frowned and signaled his subordinates with a look when he

to make them kneel on the ground and forced them to walk on their knees to

slapped their faces, then punched

pain, but their prideful selves remained

right do you have to treat us like this?! This is our home! It's illegal for you to beat us at


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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