Finally, the sound of the ambulance siren could be heard in the distance.

"That's enough, Lilin. We should take Miss Emily to the hospital now. We can deal with these two women later," said Melinda quickly to Lilin.

Lilin nodded and ordered the men, "Keep a close eye on them! I'll come back and take care of them later."

"Yes, Miss Lilin!" chorused the men in black.

With that, Melinda and Lilin followed Emily to the hospital.

Marvin immediately came back from the neighbor's house when he heard the loud ambulance siren.

The moment he walked in, he saw fierce-looking men in black lording over his bruised, swollen wife and daughter.

barge into my home and beat

Melinda and Lilin to the hospital, leaving his subordinates at the Carews' residence. They had been trained and given the orders to not give out information unless necessary. They simply stared at Lilliana

These people are all thugs! Thugs, I say!" cried


he decided to get some backup. However, just when he

but that did little to diffuse his anger. "What...

so none of you can leave her until

Addison and Miss Lilin? I've

don't you ask your wife

moment, Marvin turned and asked Lilliana and Sherlyn, "Tell me what's going on right now! Why did they say you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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