"If she has other friends, then that's settled. That means she has plenty of connections to the world, so there's no need for her to rely solely on you, Lucas. And you don't have to exhaust yourself taking care of her.

"Listen to me, and arrange a few caregivers for her. In terms of material support, our family absolutely cannot be in debt to her. As for emotions, you don't need to get involved anymore. Exercise some discretion."

"Grandma, I don't have any inappropriate feelings for her."

Beatrice did not rush to refute Lucas. Instead, she asked him with great seriousness, "You say you don't have much feelings towards her, but what about her? Do you really think she only sees you as a friend? Who'd cling to a married friend like she does? Lucas, now that you have Melody, have you ever considered how she might feel?"

At the mention of Melody, Lucas' expression darkened. He knew that since Thalia's return, his relationship with Melody had been rocky. Thalia's presence had indeed disrupted his life.

"Let's take a step back and think about it. If you won't consider Melody, then consider how your interaction with Miss Thalia will appear to others. Melody is an actress now, and many people know about your relationship. What will they think of you and Melody? Not to mention, your priority should be resolving all the problems that the incident brought on for Melody."

Thalia, you need to seriously reconsider things. I've said my piece, and you've always been a wise child, so why do you

himself after saying her piece and retired to her room to rest. The legal team at Rivera Group proved

the only witness present at the time. Initially,

truth. If I haven't posted for more than a day, it

team, made it clear to the woman upon contact

media users, only for such cases to fizzle out eventually. Gathering evidence for

the whole ordeal not worth it. Therefore, most celebrities opt to issue a legal notice as a threat, hoping the other party would rectify their behavior. If the troublemaker persisted, there was

team, she hoped for a thorough resolution. She firmly believed Melody had no hand in Thalia's

that she did not know how Thalia ended up falling. The incident happened suddenly, and until Lucas rushed in, she was in a state of confusion. In light of this, it was difficult to believe

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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