"Miss Tasha, may I ask if you are the user with the ID 'tashaxoxo"?"

Tasha Lynch was startled when she received this phone call. Who was this person? How could they accurately mention her online ID right off the bat?

"Who are you? Is this some kind of tele-scam? Look, I don't have money for your scams! Go away, you scammer!"

Before she could hang up, she heard a calm chuckle from the other end. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Leo Burnes, the in-house lawyer for Rivera Group. I'm calling you now to confirm whether you're the same person as the user with the ID 'tashaxoxo'. If so, I may need your cooperation in providing some materials for further investigation."

heart skipped a beat. She indeed used that online ID, and the only person she had been associated with recently was the actress, Melody. She had made a few comments online, never expecting them to cause such a stir. Many famous

invisible nobody in real life, Tasha suddenly became an internet sensation, with many social media users eagerly awaiting her next post. This sudden surge of attention gratified her vanity immensely, not to mention

what if you're a lawyer? How did you get hold of my personal information? I'll have you know this is a violation

had not expected her to have some legal knowledge, but unfortunately for her, this had nothing to do

Tasha, your recent statements online have infringed upon the reputation rights of my client, Miss Melody

restroom that day. Melody knew very well she did.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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