After a few days of rest, Melody would soon embark on her non-stop roadshow. While previous meet-and-greets felt a little daunting to her, facing the roadshow brought a mix of excitement and trepidation. She eagerly anticipated the audience's reaction to her performance that year, but she was also very worried because it was her first time assuming a leading role in a film. The prospect of not being well-received by the audience as the protagonist gnawed at her mind.

Insomnia set in two days before the official roadshow. Night after night, she tossed and turned in Lucas' arms, unable to find some respite from her thoughts. With another sleepless night plaguing her, Lucas switched on the night light.

"Can't sleep? Would you like to talk?" Lucas asked softly, concerned by her restlessness.

Melody felt bad to have woken Lucas up because of her tossing and turning, but her anxiety was genuine and she hoped to get it off her chest. "I don't know how I'm supposed to face the audience. My fans are one thing because I know they'll support me no matter what, but it's a different story for other members of the public. My future in acting would be jeopardized if this doesn't go well."

Melody's concerns were of course solely rooted in her identity as an actress. As long as she and Lucas remained together, she vowed never to forsake her passion for acting.

eyebrow. "You'll have your pick of future roles for as long as you want to

important is for the directors and screenwriters to show a genuine willingness to collaborate with me. The connections you provide might not always be open to that. If the audience doesn't buy my tickets, they'll be even more unhappy with me.

embraced her firmly. "You're underestimating yourself. Everyone is eagerly looking forward to the premiere of your movie. Your stellar acting will win over those who

if the movie receives low ratings because of

concern. Though she felt that she was a burden to

insisted on taking you on for that role? It's because he admires your talent and the way you carry yourself. Your acting skills speak for themselves, and let me tell you this: even those who

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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